But there's the problem: a lackluster roster. OK, maybe that is out of HC's control. But why on earth is one of the leading scorers glued to the bench in OT in the quarterfinal?
The Finns were going to be a tough out no matter what. Anyone denying that has their head up their ass. But the brass were at least guilty of neutralizing themselves with the decision making. If the roster is so lacklsuter why are you riding 4 guys? Lackluster or not, the other guys are good, just like the opponents.
Again, this goes back to what I said earlier: a guy like Perry barely making the team because, skating, or Crosby being a late pick because, whatever, these are all symptomatic of when HC tries to, as someone posted some time before the tournament, be the smartest guys in the room, and end up hurting themselves rather than opponents. I'm ok with losing when the other team plays better. I'm ok when the team plays well and breaks go against them. But I'm not ok when management actively negates the talents on hand, and then wonders why they lost. He wanted the fastest team ever, and then plays a trap. WTF?
ETA: I may seem fired up about this, and I am, ever since Renney had the nerve to blame the players publicly for not winning a couple years ago.