I can't believe the flak this tournament is getting.
I know, right? It's not like this tournament is supposed to be a greedy excuse for withdrawing from the Olympics or anything, the flak is completely unjustified.
I can't believe the flak this tournament is getting.
No matter how often it's called "best on best", it's NOT best on best if it doesn't involve all the best hockey countries - without gimmicks.Best on best in toronto, yeah I dont see the appeal either.
And I almost hope either of the gimmicks win so that even this thing's most ardent supporters suddenly turn their coats and call it meaningless. I'd have a field day quoting old posts.I almost hope Canada loses so I can watch the same people who are calling this tournament a joke and meaningless suddenly pee their pants in excitement.
This is exactly what's wrong with this thing - if it was legit, you wouldn't have to hope for something like this to happen in the first place.Let's just hope that the fake teams get eliminated as soon as possible. Would make it easier to enjoy the final rounds, and we could actually build up some excitement pretending that those fake teams were never there.
Fake teams are just snacks before the grand final. The top 6 nations only can win gold.
More like in merchandising sales, TV ratings and other channels of profit but I agree this is just a thread for the cool kids to go "I thought it was a good idea before it became trendy!"not sure why we discuss the validity of this tournament again. The topic is that World Cup hockey is better than olympics, which will be demonstrated on the ice once again.
not sure why we discuss the validity of this tournament again. The topic is that World Cup hockey is better than olympics, which will be demonstrated on the ice once again.
No matter how often it's called "best on best", it's NOT best on best if it doesn't involve all the best hockey countries - without gimmicks.
You can call a piece of horse dung a cake, but that doesn't mean I'll eat it. If you however wish to believe your own fantasy - bon appetit.
it reminds me of the All-Star game.Right now the teams are going to look a lot more like the teams did in Sochi than they will for the world shampionships.
And I'm for PARITY, I don't take any pleasure in seeing teams that lack depth so WOEFULL mismatched that they ( like the austrians prior to the last olympics) know they have no shot and go out ( alledgedly) boozing it up.
If it sticks in your craw, too bad. Team young guns and team leftover europe serve two purposes. Team young guns allows YOUNG upcoming players to play when if they had to wait their turn in countries with MASSIVE depth, it might be a two cycles or more before they crack the lineup. Team leftover europe is simply a way to offset several countries lack of depth. These countries can produce high end talent but they can't produce three lines worth, 6 D and a goalie. so their " stars" hold their own and the guys who drive taxis for a living get exposed and the team gets trouncced.
right now team young guns and team left over europe bring MORE parity to these games rather than being cannon fodder hoping their goalie goes god mode for one game.
And if you want the best PROFESSIONAL players to play best on best, here's an idea treat them like professionals and pay them. Buuuuuut NOOOOOOOOO the IOC can't do that now can they ? I hope you enjoy the nationalistic chest bumping in the next olympics from " god knows where" as the talent would be overcome by the world shampionships rosters.
I think that a lot of this " the world cup is a joke" nonsense is nothing more that the manisfestation of pure abject jealousy that the NHL holds the keys to the overwhelming amount of top end talent and as such they don't need the ioc or the iihf. And if they want to takee their ball and go home, they absolutely can.
if you don't like it don't watch. PLENTY of people in toronto will. And I hope its the death blow to the NHL's participation in the olympics so that all of you who whine and moan about it have but two choicces left, watch the best hockey talent on the planet or a bunch of no name jabroni's whose most important asset is that they drape themselvees in a flag, no matter how poorly they play.
I've asked this from you twice, with no answer at all. Let's see if this makes you vanish again just like it did the two previous times...And if you want the best PROFESSIONAL players to play best on best, here's an idea treat them like professionals and pay them. Buuuuuut NOOOOOOOOO the IOC can't do that now can they ? I hope you enjoy the nationalistic chest bumping in the next olympics from " god knows where" as the talent would be overcome by the world shampionships rosters.
I know, right? It's not like this tournament is supposed to be a greedy excuse for withdrawing from the Olympics or anything, the flak is completely unjustified.
it reminds me of the All-Star game.
Before: No one's gonna watch it, it's lame.'
After: It was so awesome!
have the nhl withdrawed from the olympics or still undecided?
have the nhl withdrawed from the olympics or still undecided?
The difference is that they, at least, do it right.The Olympics is just a tournament backed by billions of dollars or marketing and rich people trying to get richer.
Pay attention to the teacher in class, he will go over proper vocabulary usage. Get on your phone during recess.Right now the teams are going to look a lot more like the teams did in Sochi than they will for the world shampionships.
And I'm for PARITY, I don't take any pleasure in seeing teams that lack depth so WOEFULL mismatched that they ( like the austrians prior to the last olympics) know they have no shot and go out ( alledgedly) boozing it up.
If it sticks in your craw, too bad. Team young guns and team leftover europe serve two purposes. Team young guns allows YOUNG upcoming players to play when if they had to wait their turn in countries with MASSIVE depth, it might be a two cycles or more before they crack the lineup. Team leftover europe is simply a way to offset several countries lack of depth. These countries can produce high end talent but they can't produce three lines worth, 6 D and a goalie. so their " stars" hold their own and the guys who drive taxis for a living get exposed and the team gets trouncced.
right now team young guns and team left over europe bring MORE parity to these games rather than being cannon fodder hoping their goalie goes god mode for one game.
And if you want the best PROFESSIONAL players to play best on best, here's an idea treat them like professionals and pay them. Buuuuuut NOOOOOOOOO the IOC can't do that now can they ? I hope you enjoy the nationalistic chest bumping in the next olympics from " god knows where" as the talent would be overcome by the world shampionships rosters.
I think that a lot of this " the world cup is a joke" nonsense is nothing more that the manisfestation of pure abject jealousy that the NHL holds the keys to the overwhelming amount of top end talent and as such they don't need the ioc or the iihf. And if they want to takee their ball and go home, they absolutely can.
if you don't like it don't watch. PLENTY of people in toronto will. And I hope its the death blow to the NHL's participation in the olympics so that all of you who whine and moan about it have but two choicces left, watch the best hockey talent on the planet or a bunch of no name jabroni's whose most important asset is that they drape themselvees in a flag, no matter how poorly they play.
Heeeelllooo.... the players don't complain. Why do you? Bother to answer?It must be nice to run a business where you get to keep ALL of the revenue, assume none of the risks and then on top of this but you get to stiff your employees under the canard of " national sport".
Pay attention to the teacher in class, he will go over proper vocabulary usage. Get on your phone during recess.
Thanks for the random shot at the Austrians. Boozing it up had nothing to do with having no shot against slovenia. If anything they underestimated slovenia so they boozed first. Prior to the Olympics this Austrian team didn't even make the Olympics (keeping in mind that in the english language prior to means before). The Austrian team put up 4 goals on finland. That's more than any other team and more than russia, Canada and the USA combined and also beat Norway soundly. If you want to beat up on a team, beat up on Norway or Slovakia because we finished ahead of them.
Heeeelllooo.... the players don't complain. Why do you? Bother to answer?