Resident Cookie Monster
- Mar 29, 2014
- 47,690
- 94,163
You must have come in first place if you drove

Seriously though, congrats! That's a lot of hard work
You must have come in first place if you drove
I’ve hit a bit of a post marathon, cold weather funk.
I’ve fallen into the habit of sleeping in.
The baby will be here in about a month. I’ve been able to squeeze in some workouts on the elliptical, some lifting, and short runs.
Still playing hockey, but I feel like a lazy bum.
Need to get back into the swing of things.
wait til you start eating the littles ones leftover mcdonalds and kraft mac and cheeseBUMP
Wow, I knew it would be a whole new world with the little one.
I was able to get out for a 5 mile run this morning.
Yesterday, was able to do elliptical and weights at home.
February 1st, I’m switching my gym membership to a club closer to home, but further from work.
Definitely need to cut back on the snacking late at night. This feeding schedule for the baby means staying up later and and being up earlier.
We fed him at 2:30 this morning and I was starving and scarfed down a doughnut.
Trying to be as healthy as possible at meal time.
Soup for lunch.
Fruit for a snack.
Meat, carb, and lots of veggies at dinner.
Good luck!Finally received my Tonal last week after ordering it a month ago.
Always hated the idea of going to a gym so this thing is a life changer for me.
If the company goes under that would suck but for now this purchase has been worth every penny to me. We'll see how the rest of the first month goes
Good luck!
It's far from anything serious, but basically officially mid fifties, there have been some midlife crisis type mental challenges. Basically trying to exist in a divisive world, feeling like it's all meaningless anyway.
But I'm a study in opposites - I see no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but I train as if I myself am starting the playoffs tomorrow.
I've picked up some cool exercises from Kevin Neeld, Head Performance Coach of the Boston Bruins.
This is a particular favorite I do on leg day (every Thursday).
It's a reverse lunge with leg drive. Neeld says it builds skating speed by adopting a lower skating position. I haven't been on skates in decades, but I do find some bizarre satisfaction doing the same exercises as our Bruins.
It's at 9:40:
Last Lent, we went on Keto because the doctor said it would help with Megan conceiving.
She was miserable and I landed myself in the emergency room.
This year, I’m cutting doughnuts, ice cream, candy, soda, and all other sweets.
Will limit the carbs, but not to an extreme.
I like Sara Lee Delightful white bread. Only 1 gram of sugar, I believe. 45 calories. Might be worth a shot if you still want bread.Sugar is the worst. I've stopped buying loafs of bread altogether more for the sugar content than the carbs. I can't stand whole wheat/whole grain bread, it was white only for me, so bread just had to go.
Reduced my coffee from a triple triple at the nearest Tim Horton's to a store bought dark roast whole bean with just a dash of flavoured sweetener. Just those two simple changes and my waistline is thanking me already.
Yep, my biggest problem was emotional eating. Went right back into old habits. The pounds come back on quickly. I was at least doing 10k steps a day but then that stopped when my mom died so it's been about a month. This weekend I barely got in 1k steps in 2 days, combined. No offense to the moms here but I'm glad mothers day is over. Not only do I not have my mom, I'm not a mom, and the whole thing is just depressing. But ice cream won't solve that.I'm in the same boat as @Bruinaura. When my mother died I went into a complete funk & let a lot of things go, including my fitness. Then last fall I sprained my foot and was on crutches for close to 3 months ( I re-sprained it ugh), so no walking at all. Then this winter I started having strange symptoms in my legs- weakness, heaviness (felt like they weighed a ton each), tightness in my upper inner thighs (think of a shoelace being tightened) and intense pain in my upper inner right thigh. These symptoms are also strongly affected by the temperature & moisture level outside which really freaked me out.
I've been going to the doctor & it's been narrowed down to 3 things: side effects of a medication I was prescribed to support my blood pressure medicine, possible autoimmune issue and an unrelated injury that's causing all the pain. I've been off the medication for nearly 2 weeks now and weakness/heaviness is much reduced although I had already lost quite a bit of muscle strength from not walking. Still a lot of tightness & pain so more blood work & now x-rays are in order.
While this was going on I decided to keep a much closer eye on what & how much I ate since I couldn't walk it off. I've dropped another 7 pounds, this is the lightest I've been since HS.
I like Sara Lee Delightful white bread. Only 1 gram of sugar, I believe. 45 calories. Might be worth a shot if you still want bread.