Was talking to pops last night and he was excited to tell me all about his new cell phone. I had to go on Amazon and buy him a new case, so i did. Then he told me about how the techs in store that helped him transfer all of his data to the new phone told him his contacts would all save. All of his pictures and apps and contacts, literally everything he said was still there…everything other than MY phone number
“the one person that calls me the most, and the one i call the most, and it’s the only f***in thing that i lose!”
We laughed about it, and then today it hit me super hard and I’ve been struggling much of the day. I am my dad’s person. I love that, and I knew it anyway, but to hear him sort of come to that conclusion himself has stuck with me. The pressure has been building on me day by day since he was injured nearly 30 years ago. I am juuuust barely holding myself together these days, and I’m not sure what more I have left in the tank
It’s a very bittersweet feeling that I wasn’t ready for today.