We are both totally on the same page. A condition for usage of the rink will stipulate which national anthem that can be used before games.
The idea is to build the rink in Poughkeepsie and then float it down the Hudson and then just slide it onto the piers. We will pitch the idea to all big TV outlets and will certainly find someone that is willing to pay a big amount to do a documentary of the project.
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Tentatively we will create a sand bed in the river and cast the base plate on it. We will put oil barrels in the sand bed, so that when the sand is flushed away the base plate will be able to float down the river. If the permits drag on we can just dock it to one of the piers. If we make the baseplate 45 meters x 90 meters and 10 cm thick, the weight of it will be 405 m3 concrete which weights 972 tons (kg). For that we will need 6,113 oil barrels to have it float (we will make it an even 7k, no need to gamble).
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Our budget that must be financed is about 100k to make the sand bed, 50k to make a temporary sand road out to the sand bed that the cement trucks can drive on, 50k to buy a load of used empty oilbarrels from Indonesia and have them shipped to Poughkeepsie, 200k for the base plate including the piping for the cooling and the reinforcing bars, and 200k for the wood to build the stands, 30k for painting the lines and AHL team logo on the base plate, then probably 100k in total for the floating of the rink down to the piers, including a pilot etc.
We count to get at least 500k for the documentary rights from like Discovery, and the remaining 130k have to come from our own pockets (doable).
Can probably be done in about 6 months but opening night fall 2020 is unrealistic. Just to paint the oil barrels so that they do not rust will take a lot of time, but we plan to do it as a friends and family thing. Anyone know if there is salt in the water of the Hudson?
We do not plan to take contact with Dolan before the rink is in place. When its fait-accompli Bern will just call him up and ask "Jimmy Boy, what do you say? Can we get the R-word? (relocation)"
We will not have a big screen in the arena, but all spectators will get a tablet when they enter that they can watch highlights on and order food and beverages. With room for 6,000 people standing we believe someone will sponsor us the tablets. Will be awesome. A real money machine. High-tech.