Armor abilities definitely weren't perfectly balanced out of the gate. No arguments there. Never had much of a problem with Armor lock at higher levels of Arena, not many players wanted an ability that turned them into a sitting duck. In BTB, I thought it was fine. A nice counter for splatter-happy vehicle whores.
Interestingly, by the end of Reach's run, armor lock was a non-factor in pretty much every mode. Dive-roll and Bubble Shield were the really easily abusable abilities. But by that point the reigns had been handed to 343 and they were working on Anniversary multiplayer, which obviously cut out armor abilities all together.
Agreed. It was very satisfying to pull off an armour lock when someone launched a rocket at you only for it to deflect back at them, though.
I think it was 16 vs 16, or at least 8 vs 8. It wasn't a very innovative mode, though - it was just Rush from Battlefield Bad Company but with a King of the Hill capture point instead of planting/defusing a bomb. Still fun, especially with the vehicles in the 2nd stage of the map, but yeah - not very original.
It wasn't really Rush from BF so much as it was Warzone from Killzone 2. It was just a seamless shift from one game-type to another over the course of BTB match. Depending on the map you got a mix of Territories, Assault (1-way neutral bomb), KOTH, all with standard BTB Slayer combat between. Combine that with the fact that you had Halo combat but with class abilities and loadouts, and it felt very fresh for Halo. It wasn't necessary innovative in the strictest sense, but it was a hell of a lot of fun.
I always thought Halo should’ve emphasized bomb-based games more than it did. It came off as an afterthought in most games.
Team Skirmish in general, actually. IMHO Halo is perfect for this playlist. More so than COD for sure.
Ranked Team Objective playlist was always the go-to for my friends and I. Sadly, since it required a bit more strategy and teamwork than Slayer or Swat, the playlist was always the least populated, and as you ranked up into the 40s, you could spend A LOT of time waiting on matches.
Reach does hold the distinction of having the single most fun weapon in any Halo sandbox. The breach-loaded grenade launcher. Remote detonation, EMP blast that could take out shields and stop vehicles dead, mastering this thing so you could ricochet shots around corners and clean up with the magnum. *chefs kiss*
It's not quite the same in Halo 5 and the less we talk about that sticky-bomb abomination in Halo 4, the better.
Frankly, the less anybody talks about Halo 4 at all, the better.