Thanks for posting your thoughts. On the flip side, if more of the "good posters" such as yourself tried to contribute here, it might drown out some of the more tired, frustrating opinions that are seemingly keeping people away. Avoiding this place is really not helping the problem, nor is it helping those of us trying to squeeze in some thoughtful opinions here and there.
Personally, I think (hope) I'm being fair to this team. Do I overreact in the moment to some things? Sure, I think we all do at times. But I do try to be reasonable and to take others opinions into account, even if I may not agree. At least, I hope that 's what I am doing!
Long story short, having posters such as yourself here is better for the rest of us. I hope you keep that in mind as the season starts to ramp up, but I understand if the ship has sailed on being more regular here.