I'm not high on Cozens, perhaps there is still something there, but if that's a piece to the Canucks, were I Allvin, I would position it as helping Buffalo get out from that contract.
If it were Cozens/Byram and a piece like Benson, would that move the sub's opinion from no to maybe? I know y'all keep bring up Power, but that's probably a piece that they don't part with. Byram needing a contract and Power locked up long term probably swings it.
I watched last night's game, and I thought Byram was actively trying to make things happen and looked great out there. Power looked like what his detractors have been saying about him, doesn't use his size, is more oriented offensively and a wallflower.
If they're desperate to make some changes, expiring Byram, Benson and Cozens as a cap dump is how I would angle it for Pete.