Omg I still can't accept czech coach decisions. No Karabacek, Jenys
My lineup:
Karabacek-Spacek-Pastrnak (Spacek can't be in 4th line)
+ Chlapik (he can replace Spacek)
Prerost had the same arguments like Hadamczik before olympic games. They both said they need players to checking and cross line. Hadamczik didn't take Hudler and Vrbata and Prerost didn't take Chlapik and Karabacek. Hadamczik broke his argument about 3rd and 4th line when he placed Nedved to 4th line although he has never been defensive player and made a lot of penalties. I expect Prerost will make the same thing and place Spacek to 3rd or 4th line. These arguments about 3rd and 4th line use czech coachs only like excuse for their controversial decisions.