I remember golfing in my younger days at a corporate tournament. I was paired up with the director, a buddy of mine and this "old" secretary from the main office. I use old in quotations because I believe I'm older now than she was then.
I was swinging about a million miles an hour, absolutely crushing drives. Crushing them to the left mostly, sometimes straight out, but generally 250-300 out and probably 100 yards in lateral movement. I was a pretty good scrambler though so I could come back from that on occasion. Thankfully we were out at Warren so there was room to be an idiot.
The secretary was plinking the ball off the tee, maybe 100 yards out. She'd then proceed to get to her next shot, plink it straight up the fairway. She was taking lessons at the time and very concerned with her form, so everything was quite rigidly structured and looked very unfun from my perspective.
After the 18th, we tallied up our scores. She shot 104 plinking the ball 100 yards at a time. I crushed the ball all over the course and scored...104. Bit of a lesson there. Not that I learned it, but there was a good lesson to be learned.