It's funny everyone loathing the team this season, and it has been a hard season.
Human psychology and the weight of expectations are a curious thing.
We had this incredible, everything going right, season last year that raised expectations probably a little too high.
Then we have had an incredibly frustrating season with a million injuries, internal strife, etc.
But if this were 2023-24, and it was going this way we would be absolutely ecstatic to FINALLY be in the playoff picture again and it would be a step up from the previous year.
We haven't been a playoff team much in the last decade and yet so many here are hoping we will lose out because 'we'd just get roasted anyway'.
How about we enjoy having an actual competitive team with high expectations and hope for a fun little playoff run.
Hell, if we play a team like the Jets and lose in 7 games, that's hope and inspiration that this iteration of the team can and will build on moving forward.
I'm obviously not saying we should pay for rentals and I hope we don't do an 'own rental' on Brock. But emotionally I am all in on trying to make the playoffs and excited to watch the rest of the season and see how our team deals with the mix of hope and adversity.