I feel pretty similar, especially the first part of your post. I used to get really pissed off after being scored on/losses but now i can accept it much better. I think its a combination of growing up and also having lost some of the edge by winning 2 cups. I will never cheer for them to lose, every day there is a game on i'm excited all day for it, even when we are in a horrible slump or are just plain terrible. I don't know if that part of my personality and devotion (if you want to call it that) will ever go away. Sometimes it annoys me that i will be looking forward to a game all day only for them to play terrible and get killed (or the game is super boring), and i wonder am I mad at the team? or am I actually mad at myself for not find a much more productive use of my time and enthusiasm.
I'll tell you one thing, I've been having a shot (usually a half shot of vodka mixed with some vitamin water these days) every time the kings score.
I will have a full shot of vodka or jack under a few conditions.
1. A kings player gets their first NHL goal.
2. A kings player gets a hat trick
3. The goalie gets a shutout (I don't always do this one)
4. The kings score but the game has been so damn boring that i want an excuse to have a full shot instead of a half
These rules make the game much more fun, i also have gained a lot of weight and hate myself most mornings after high (for the kings that would be 2) scoring games.
I'm not cheering for them to lose, but im ok with it and i do think it will help spark some much needed changes. I'm still holding on to that little sliver of hope that they will somehow turn it around and get super hot and do 2012 all over again