Offside Review Specialist
Name: Riley
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Where You're From: Ottawa Ontario
Where You Live Now: Ottawa Ontario half the year, NYC the other half
Nationality: Canadian
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Mode of Transportation: Car or cycle
Job: Electrician
What brought you to HF Boards: No clue honestly
How you became a hockey fan: Via parents taking me to games at a young age
How you became a Canes fan: Im a pretty neutral NHL fan who watches a ton of teams and Canes is one of them. Nothing special.
Favorite thing about being a Canes fan: Well currently it’s the vibe on this board
Favorite Cane's Player(s): Slavin, Svech
Favorite NON Cane's Player(s): Stutzle, Coleman, Zibby, Pageau
Other Sports You Like: NFL, F1, WRC
Other Sports Teams You Cheer For: Giants, Nets, Mets
College Attended/Attending: Algonquin
Video Game Systems Owned: PS4
Favorite Game(s): Cod Cold War, F1, project cars 2
Music You Listen To: Harder rock. Fav bands are Bring me the Horizon, Starset, Shinedown, Linkin park, Motionless in White
Favorite Movie(s): The Gentleman
Favorite Book(s): Not for me
Favorite Food(s): Steak, Ribs & Wings
Favorite TV Show(s): Meh none
Hockey Jerseys In Wardrobe:
Sharks- #EK65
VGK- Fleury
Caps- Ovi
Pens- Malkin/ Crosby x2
Bolts: Coleman
Kings- Doughty
NJD- Schneider/Subban
NYR- Lundquvist
NYI-Pageau/ Tavares
Jets- Laine
OTT- Karlsson/Redden/Neil/Alfie/Chabot
Van- Boeser
MTL- Price
Leafs- Matthews
Sabers- Eichel
Oilers- McDavid
Bruins- Pasta
Blues- Tank
Other jerseys:
NY Jets: Bell
NY Giants: Barkley (home and away)
Bills: White
Ravens: Jackson
49ers: Kittle
Bucs: Evans
Nets: Ivring
Lakers: Howard
Anything Else:
Big road/gravel cyclist. Also big into competitive cod & love Datsuns.
Someone get this man a Canes jersey.