If there are no significant injuries, I think the team next year will be slightly better than this year, but some guys like Sumpf will be really hard to replace.
This is the pool of players I would expect next year's team will be coming from. The players in bold are the ones I would pick as of now (3 G, 8 D, 14 F).
I may have overlooked some players, because I am doing this off the top of my head, without access to my database or the internet (I am writing this offline, and will copy & paste it later, when my internet works again). Maybe I will do a quick check before I post it, but I will probably just leave it as it is.
2006: Linus Vieillard, Lennart Neiße, Michail Elagin, Cole Danielsmeier
2007: Lukas Stuhrmann, Nikita Kluev, Aaron Kaiser, Noah Pfab, Bartholomäus Oswald, Kimi Saffran
I think we will be fine in goal. Vieillard was good this year and Neiße can be just as good. For the third goalie I would pick a 07 and right now I would go with either Pfab or Stuhrmann, but there are some other interesting options out there.
2006: Max Hense, Matthias Pape, Rio Kaiser, Finn Serikow, Noah Hahn, Jacob Ficenec, Maximilian Merkl, Moritz Kretzschmar, Nikita Müller, Dominik Zerhoch, Manuel Schams, Robin Krening
2007: Carlos Händel, Max Bleicher, Fabio Kose, Niclas Hempel, Gregor Stocker, Felix Krüger, Matthias Harr, Timo Hausfelder, Cedric Wijacki, Philipp Stock, Albert Bicker, Simon Schlosser, Noah Smith, Moritz Warnecke
2008: Darian Rolsing, Daniel Kettler
The defense is cause for concern the 06s don't really project as being better or even nearly as good as the 05s this year. Hopefully Händel's development can compensate for some of that. I think Bleicher and Kose will also make the team, and guys like Hempel and/or Smith are totally in the mix. As of now, Hense, Pape and Kaiser are the only 06s that look like locks for me. Usually, I would not think that any 08s have a shot to make the team, but neither 06 nor 07 is blessed with an abundance of strong defensemen, so there is a small chance especially for Rolsing who has developed well so far this season.
2006: Elias Pul, Lenny Boos, Clemens Seeger, Bence Farkas, Simon Seidl, Tobias Schwarz, Maximilian Brunner, Nick Maul, Clemens Sager, Felix Kerbel, Tim Schütz, Nikolas Biggins, Maxime Bickel, Maximilian Oswald, Max Herzog
2007: David Lewandowski, Dustin Willhöft, Gustavs Griva, Rihards Griva, Mateu Späth, Max Ziergiebl, Sebastian Zwickl, Timo Kose, Elias Schneider, Maxim Schäfer, Nikita Kessler, Justus Kaufmann, Pepino Langmeier, Andreas Grin, Tobin Brandt
2008: Tobias Krestan, Mats Geppert, Lukas Greil, Vyacheslav Permitin
2009: Max Penkin, Jonas Schwarz, Jaden Switzer
The forwards will definitely offer a lot of depths. Whether or not the top-end talent will depend on the development of the 07s. If Lewandowski in particular, and guys like Willhöft, Schneider and Späth can improve a lot in this next year, we should have one of our better forward groups of recent years.
Because of this depth, I can only see one (or none) of Krestan or Penkin making this team. I went with Krestan, because I trust more in his development playing in Sweden, than I do in Penkin’s playing in Germany, even if he is playing against older competition. On the other hand, Penkin is possibly already the better player. Honestly, I could easily pick 20 forwards and make a solid case for each one of them. I could see us go with as few as four 2006 forwards or as many as nine. The only locks for me at this point are Pul, Boos, Seidl, Schwarz, Lewandowski, Schäfer, Kose, Schneider and Willhöft.
If I have missed any obvious candidates feel free to point them out. I just did a quick check on eliteprospects and noticed I had initially forgotten Fabio Kose, but beyond that I have not detected any glaring omissions.