What a noooooob!y'all know I´m stupid, what is D4?
D4 season 2 is good
Yeah, I didn't play much in S1. I'm digging 2 though. Rocking a necro, but kind of missing my druidI haven't played it since early in S1 (what a debacle that was).
Guilty as charged. I´m just an old geezer, the latest game I played was DOS2What a noooooob!![]()
Man, I wish I could play it (and all the souls games) for the first time again. Don't fret about not finding a bunch of quests, compared to traditional RPGs there aren't a ton. They are there but most are like you meet an NPC who talks a bunch of seemingly vague nonsense and then you meet that same NPC a little while down the road and they spout some more stuff that's a little less nonsense and things start to connect. But a lot of it isn't a "hard connect" and you have to piece a lot together yourself (I love and hate this with the genre). Very few actual "go here... do this" quest lines. What you're doing with Castle Morne is one of the few. I use the wikis for subsequent playthroughs to do the side quests I missed because you are going to miss a bunch if you're rocking it on your own. And it's better that way! When you find something or figure something out yourself it's awesome!Well im about 13 hours into Elden Ring and am really liking this game. Graphics, setting, music. armor models, enemy designs are all top notch. Im not very good at it but im enjoying it. It took me a long while to beat the Minor Tree boss at the Weeping Peninsula today but i finally got it. I can only imagine how difficult some main story bosses are, good grief. I just gotta keep telling myself its a marathon not a race in fights and that its a learning curve for me since ive never played a FromSoftware game and learning the boss mechanics. Like towards the end of that Elder tree boss i was really getting it down the timing of hits and when to roll and such.
Spent most of today exploring the Weeping Peninsula and i think tomorrow im going to attempt the castle at the southern tip for that lady at the bridge of the peninsula after that im done and think i will head to Stormveil Castle. Im not finding a lot of quests so far maybe its because im still in the starting area? Who knows. When i eventuall clear the castle maybe i will spend a little more time exploring Limgrave.
A little side bar, I just got done watching the show Peaky Blinders and sure as crap one of the actresses in Peaky Blinders voiced the witch Renna in Elden Ring. As soon as i heard her speak in game i instantly recognized the voice from Peaky. Just a cool coincidence.
Na no main story bosses. Im already feel like im going to struggle mightily with them. I have a hard time with bosses at the end of dungeons as is hahah Like that bear boss at the end of a dungeon on the Weeping Peninsula was a rough go for me.Also, 13 hours in and you're trudging around Weeping Peninsula. Cheers, you play like me! Have you beet any of the main bosses yet?
Controllers are dog water compared to M&K. So clustered and uncomfortable. I genuinely dont think i could go back to controller after playing with M&K for the past 5-6 years. Its not THAT bad some things are annoying.Not sure why anyone would handicap themselves playing such a game with mouse and keyboard.
But hey, maybe you're a masochist. I shudder at the thought of not playing with a controller.
Not sure why anyone would handicap themselves playing such a game with mouse and keyboard.
But hey, maybe you're a masochist. I shudder at the thought of not playing with a controller.
I get it for 99.999% of games played on a PC. I just cannot fathom playing a Souls game on keyboard and mouse. That's just bananas!A MMO mouse makes a world of difference (compared to a standard mouse) when playing games.
The only games I'd use MKB for are games where I need to aim (shooters, mini golf) or where controllers aren't practical or supported (WoW, RuneScape, idk probably others). For virtually everything else, I strongly prefer controller. For a Souls game or a game like Fallout/Starfield? Controller for me.I get it for 99.999% of games played on a PC. I just cannot fathom playing a Souls game on keyboard and mouse. That's just bananas!
If you can do it though, good on ya. I tried while being deployed and quickly ordered a controller.
So far it’s doable. Biggest issues I’ve had so far are the dodge being on release and not press and changing your lock on target gets a little annoying having to use the mouse.I get it for 99.999% of games played on a PC. I just cannot fathom playing a Souls game on keyboard and mouse. That's just bananas!
If you can do it though, good on ya. I tried while being deployed and quickly ordered a controller.
That first moment where comes swooping in out of nowhere is awesomeSo far it’s doable. Biggest issues I’ve had so far are the dodge being on release and not press and changing your lock on target gets a little annoying having to use the mouse.
Defeated my first dragon today in the starting area. Took a bit but it wasn’t that difficult.
An incredibly cool fight. Honestly probably one of the coolest fights I’ve experienced in a video game.
Yeah, I'm really enjoying S2 quite a bitGot to WT4 in D4 at level 61...ball lightning sorcerer is overpowered this season, but I can't lie, I am having a blast~
Thos knights with the wond powers suck!Beat Godrick on my first attempt today. I was probably a bit over leveled but i thought he was easier than the Stormveil Knights that walked around his castle.
Bro they were so incredibly annoying to fight and hit like a truck. Genuinely thought they were tougher than either Godrick or Margit.Thos knights with the wond powers suck!