Up where I am at (Near Aberdeen, Brown County) we don’t have many. There are some 40 or 50 miles to the North, West, and South. But seems like the Winner, Gregory, Platte areas always have tons. Basically south central part of the state on east side of Missouri River. Where I am at, we don’t have as much habitat for them. We don’t have as many sloughs/grassland for them. Our farm ground is pretty good stuff, not much marginal ground. Hence having to go 40 or 50 miles in 3 directions.
Towns up north, Ipswich, Redfield, Conde even Frederick to the north have birds. Not sure about the public access though.
Corn is just starting to get harvested. Some areas more than others. We just started on ours Sunday afternoon. The more corn that comes off, the easier it will be to find them. They will stick to the corn until it comes off.
Hope this helps….
Up north, Edmunds County (Ipswich/ Roscoe/Hosmer)
Spink County (Redfield/Mellette/Northville/Conde/ Turton)
None of these towns would have lodging unless somebody is renting a farmhouse type deal.
But Aberdeen is within (approximately 25000 people) about 40 minute or less drive. But rooms are probably overbooked and expensive. Best bet is a camper…..