My internet has been going slow recently.
Just got into the router and found out it's been broadcasting 802.11b, instead of 802.11g.
Just tried changing my avatar about 20 times in 20 different sizes ranging from 125x125 to 100x75 and I've been told that the file is too large every time
Just tried changing my avatar about 20 times in 20 different sizes ranging from 125x125 to 100x75 and I've been told that the file is too large every time
Just tried changing my avatar about 20 times in 20 different sizes ranging from 125x125 to 100x75 and I've been told that the file is too large every time
Odd, last time I tried to stick an avatar in that was over the limit it just reencoded it to jpeg to bump down the file size.
But, the maximum size is 125 x 125. If it's larger than 20kb, try saving it as a .gif or a .jpg. You should be able to play around with the jpg's quality to adjust the file size down, depending on the paint program youve got.
Got off work early for the 2nd night in a row. Don't think it's much of a longshot to guess where I went right after I got out.
Got off work early for the 2nd night in a row. Don't think it's much of a longshot to guess where I went right after I got out.
What the hell is the point of tear-jerker movies?
So I wanted to watch the Wild game so my gf went into the bedroom and started watching the movie My Sister's Keeper. Apparently it's about some ****ed up family that has a daughter with Leukemia and conceives another child just to use that other one to sacrifice marrow and organs and stuff to the older one and apparently it's just a terribly sad movie with no redeeming qualities. At the end one kid dies, the other one gets depressed, and the parents realize their failure.
So at the end of it my girlfriend comes stumbling out of the bedroom crying her eyes out and is now sitting on the couch sniffling and wiping her eyes. Like, what the hell is the point of that movie and what is the point of even watching it?
Had a huge walmart pizza earlier. Was great.
Also tried nutella for the first time. Oh my god.