Elaborating further on the prior discussion from Idaho, they are now in crisis management and are also pulling from Washington hospitals as predicted. This is what happens when the state gov follow populous opinion instead of facts and science. The liberty argument is now pulling limited resources by exercising their rights, and the cost is taking the place of necessary life saving procedures. This is the cost of unchecked liberty where ones actions entirely affects others around them. It doesn't get any more straight forward. Interestlingy enough, WA and Idaho do not have an agreement btw those two states while many in the midwest do, they're just doing it cause it's the right thing to do. But their liberty is now causing the collapse of the health care system that is not set up to manage such an influx and it was entirely preventable because people are of the opinion that they don't want to listen to or don't trust the gov.
"Now patients from Idaho are trickling into Washington’s already overwhelmed health care system.
“The impact that Idaho is having on the eastern part of our state is having some ripple effect over into western Washington,” said Taya Briley, the executive vice president of the Washington State Hospital Association.
Washington has an agreement between hospitals to work together to shift patients around. They don’t have the same arrangement with hospitals out of state, but doctors feel called to do what they can.
In northern Idaho, things are so bad that they’ve declared “crisis standards of care.” They’ll need to decide which patients get lifesaving care and which patients do not."
WA Hospitals stretch to care for Idaho COVID-19 patients
Idaho's - CNN
the last article was really interesting.
Leaders of Idaho’s most populous county were deluged with constituent emails last month as they prepared to choose the newest member of a once-obscure regional health board. A former president of the American Academy of Family Physicians who served on the board for 15 years had just been let go over his support for pandemic restrictions.
To many, the clear choice for the replacement during a pandemic was an epidemiologist endorsed by the Idaho Medical Association. But hundreds wrote in for another doctor — backed by the Ada County Republican Party — who has called coronavirus vaccines “fake.”