By the 3rd line I realized Im not reading this mush. Have respect for other peoples time pls.
We dont need line breakdowns and multi paragraph sermons for every thought you have wtf. Dont worry I wont bother u again bc I admit Im being harsh. So rather than keep being a little rude, I'll cross my fingers and hope you sit back and think about why your behavior constantly causes bad reactions from random people
Each and every one of us posters rely on sufficient detail to establish merit, which substantiates our position(s).
Why post anything w/o making the effort to substantiate it?
There are many, many here at HFB who enjoy reading bern not being of terse verse esp when the crux of argument/debate needs detail. Just because you are apparently lazy, don't criticize those who aren't and make an effort.
Couple that with a respect for others you claim to champion ("Have respect for other peoples time..."), but ignore w/"We dont need....". Who put
you at the head of the thought police?
I'm calling you out for that. Freedom of speech, competition of ideas is always preferable whenever possible/necessary.
Also, your description of "mush" is invalid, since you did not substantiate it, and by your own admission, did not even bother to extend the courtesy to provide a read, while not hesitating to pass judgment.
"Judge not lest ye be judged" for [to the extent judgment is required/unavoidable] "you shall be judged by the standards you yourself set".
Replying to "think about why your behavior constantly causes bad reactions from random people" I get that from the vocal few who like to defer to the herd, often blind slaves to conventional wisdom who, for whatever reason, not gonna themselves go outside the box or support those who do.
So in conclusion, congrats, you have been officially burned by bern.
The door is open should you decide to tender an apology.
Otherwise, no prob if you/anyone else [part of an extreme minority] wants to ignore.