Not to be a Debbie Downer, but the game never improves. What you see is what you get. I'm patient gamer, I play cRPGs, story driven games with a lot of texts as well as "hard" games. But man, RDR2 was just unbearable for me. Story wasn't good enough to keep me invested, gameplay was a joke, with lots of janky, unecessary animations that you can't skip. Immersion was ok, not brilliant. I can't get immersed in a game where someone with Tuberculosis can take down a whole army regiment solo when the story starts with the group being on the run from just the Pinkertons. The ratio of actual gaming you do vs time you play has to be the lowest Ive ever seen. I actually can't believe I made it to the epilogue, but after a few missions there I just gave up as I couldn't take it anymore.
That said, this isn't the experience for a lot of gamers. For many, it's the best games theyve ever played so I wouldn't ever say not to play it as someone could miss out.