Ehrhoff is not good
Pearson made him look bad on that one.
I disagree I think Ehrhoff has been very good for the Kings so far this season, absent the first two games.
Ehrhoff is not good
If my last name were Lander, I would legally change it to Highlander
He has to wear a visor or isn't allowed to play. All the newer guys have to no matter what.
Cool, must have missed that decision. Or simply forgotten it
weird game so far
Is it the way the arena is mic'd, or does that place sound like a library?
Exploding puck off Nolan stick, and he had control. How does he lose it that bad?
Cool, Now lets test his durability.
Why isn't anyone talking about McDavid?????
The Walking Dead is on tonightt!
Keith,Karrlson,Suban all bury that shot. Doughty's shot was awful.
Man I don't know what happened to Doughty's regular season offensive game. And don't tell me it's the system he plays in. Those three you mentioned would still get the same amount of points regardless of where they play. I wish he played offense as well as he played defense.
Is it the way the arena is mic'd, or does that place sound like a library?
Williams is a point per game player with Washington
in LA he struggles to put up 1 point a month !
nufff saiddd