gabevh3 Registered User Oct 13, 2005 2,570 1,263 184 Yesterday at 8:32 PM #426 Do they even practice pp
Boris Zubov No relation to Sergei, Joe May 6, 2016 17,136 22,984 192 Back in Time Yesterday at 8:32 PM #427 This power play is a hot f***ing mess Reactions: Captain Lindy
Gordon Bombay Smoke Quack Oct 13, 2006 2,332 2,632 201 Yesterday at 8:32 PM #428 gabevh3 said: Do they even practice pp Click to expand... Do they practice anything? Reactions: gabevh3
Machinehead GoAwayKakko Jan 21, 2011 140,772 108,339 206 33 NYC Yesterday at 8:32 PM #429 I love Brodzinski man Reactions: Slaydagnar, will1066, FoxysExpensiveNYDigs and 1 other person
McRanger92 Registered User Jun 7, 2017 9,703 17,355 136 Yesterday at 8:32 PM #430 Rangers top power play is as casual as it gets. Everything from the outside Reactions: FoxysExpensiveNYDigs
FoxysExpensiveNYDigs Boo Nieves Truther Feb 27, 2002 6,267 3,702 270 Colorado Yesterday at 8:32 PM #431 Powerplay is putrid
Profet Longtime lurker Sponsor Jul 5, 2002 5,487 7,604 270 NY Yesterday at 8:33 PM #432 Boris Zubov said: This power play is a hot f***ing mess Click to expand... It's not even that good looking. With Kreider being useless it's barely a man advantage.
Boris Zubov said: This power play is a hot f***ing mess Click to expand... It's not even that good looking. With Kreider being useless it's barely a man advantage.
Machinehead GoAwayKakko Jan 21, 2011 140,772 108,339 206 33 NYC Yesterday at 8:33 PM #433 Kreider pls Reactions: FoxysExpensiveNYDigs
Killem Dafoe Hold my baby, man. Jun 19, 2010 22,866 6,017 186 Land of Corn Yesterday at 8:33 PM #434 This PP is not good. Need a good PP to win a cup.
Bob Richards Mr. Mojo Risin' Feb 9, 2011 10,090 14,932 206 Jersey Yesterday at 8:33 PM #435 Our entire PP1 unit having their worst seasons as Rangers at the exact same time has been incredible to behold.
Our entire PP1 unit having their worst seasons as Rangers at the exact same time has been incredible to behold.
will1066 If you score four, you better f'n win the game Oct 12, 2008 42,808 58,124 251 Yesterday at 8:33 PM #436 Borged Reactions: Cmox
Machinehead GoAwayKakko Jan 21, 2011 140,772 108,339 206 33 NYC Yesterday at 8:34 PM #437 "Put the two big stars on the ice together..." Rempe and Carrick Reactions: gabevh3
TGWL HFBoards Sponsor Sponsor Jul 28, 2011 14,937 9,646 186 Yesterday at 8:34 PM #438 If I have to watch Jonny and Miller on the pp, then just leave unit 1 on the entire time.
gabevh3 Registered User Oct 13, 2005 2,570 1,263 184 Yesterday at 8:35 PM #439 Sam pretending he can see shaft of stick Reactions: Salsa Shark, Machinehead and will1066
Machinehead GoAwayKakko Jan 21, 2011 140,772 108,339 206 33 NYC Yesterday at 8:35 PM #440 LMAO nice pass
Profet Longtime lurker Sponsor Jul 5, 2002 5,487 7,604 270 NY Yesterday at 8:35 PM #441 Edmonton has so much skill. It's obnoxious how little skill the Rangers have.
TGWL HFBoards Sponsor Sponsor Jul 28, 2011 14,937 9,646 186 Yesterday at 8:35 PM #442 Panarin forechecking like it's the pk.
Boris Zubov No relation to Sergei, Joe May 6, 2016 17,136 22,984 192 Back in Time Yesterday at 8:36 PM #443 WTF Vinny Reactions: FoxysExpensiveNYDigs
will1066 If you score four, you better f'n win the game Oct 12, 2008 42,808 58,124 251 Yesterday at 8:36 PM #444 We can't finish 2 on 1s consistently Reactions: FoxysExpensiveNYDigs and Boris Zubov
ReddestRum Sad even when winning Dec 19, 2013 3,061 3,785 156 Yesterday at 8:36 PM #445 I hate this team sometimes.
DanielBrassard It's all so tiresome May 6, 2014 22,282 19,845 206 PA from SI Yesterday at 8:36 PM #446 Trocheck lmao
McRanger92 Registered User Jun 7, 2017 9,703 17,355 136 Yesterday at 8:36 PM #447 Trocheck is such a jackass
Boris Zubov No relation to Sergei, Joe May 6, 2016 17,136 22,984 192 Back in Time Yesterday at 8:37 PM #448 will1066 said: We can't finish 2 on 1s consistently Click to expand... We barely get SOGs
Machinehead GoAwayKakko Jan 21, 2011 140,772 108,339 206 33 NYC Yesterday at 8:37 PM #449 We just keep lobbing it down the ice until the other team makes a mistake. We have no offense. Reactions: ReddestRum and DanielBrassard
Killem Dafoe Hold my baby, man. Jun 19, 2010 22,866 6,017 186 Land of Corn Yesterday at 8:37 PM #450 I'll just be happy if Othmann gets a point tonight. Reactions: Slaydagnar