EveryDay Registered User Jun 13, 2009 13,005 4,985 Tuesday at 7:39 PM #503 Laine is really working hard today, impressive.
Le Tricolore Boo! BOOOO! Aug 3, 2005 46,810 17,377 Montreal Tuesday at 7:39 PM #504 that was a sick shot
Andrei79 Registered User Jan 25, 2013 14,888 26,314 Tuesday at 7:39 PM #505 Geez, what the hell was that, how can you give him a clear shot from the slot like that. Why did Xhekaj stay close to the guy on the perimeter, close the slot !
Geez, what the hell was that, how can you give him a clear shot from the slot like that. Why did Xhekaj stay close to the guy on the perimeter, close the slot !
ExReHabs Hiatus Sponsor Jan 18, 2022 6,668 10,263 Tuesday at 7:39 PM #506 Seb said: Aren't you on a hiatus? Click to expand... Got into the wine and changed my mind.
13 Black Formerly V13 Sep 21, 2005 13,959 1,940 At The Table Tuesday at 7:39 PM #507 Shhhiiiitttt........f***
le_sean Registered User Oct 21, 2006 39,552 38,995 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #508 Great defending. Just backup and give him exactly what he wants. Of course it’s the dogshit pairing Reactions: HabsWhiteKnightLOL
sampollock Registered User Jun 7, 2008 38,644 18,641 in my home Tuesday at 7:40 PM #509 They got to stop letting the guys walk in Reactions: Rozz
Rozz Registered User Jun 23, 2012 1,431 1,225 Niagara Falls, Ont. Tuesday at 7:40 PM #510 FUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKJ
the valiant effort settle down, bud Apr 17, 2017 3,697 4,199 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #513 That was a Chel goal. Terrible d
Boss Man Hughes Registered User Mar 15, 2022 12,553 8,250 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #515 And the defense faks up again.
Lafleurs Guy Guuuuuuuy! Jul 20, 2007 73,702 42,734 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #517 Great shot but Montie should have that one
The Great Weal Phil's Pizza Jan 15, 2015 51,898 64,220 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #518 Lol Savard. Give him more room why don't you. Reactions: Team_Spirit
HuGo Sham MR. CLEAN-up ©Runner77 Apr 7, 2010 27,737 19,092 Montreal Tuesday at 7:40 PM #519 f*** Allowed to walk in…where was the back check ? Cmon guys Edit- that’s on savard Needs to be more aggressive. Is he even able to?
f*** Allowed to walk in…where was the back check ? Cmon guys Edit- that’s on savard Needs to be more aggressive. Is he even able to?
Fatbiggie Unregistered User Sponsor Jul 30, 2005 1,542 2,448 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #520 Let him took a shot Reactions: Andrei79
Whitesnake If you rebuild, they will come. Jan 5, 2003 89,206 36,178 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #521 How loose can that team be defensively......How the f*** do you let him skate to this point untouched?
How loose can that team be defensively......How the f*** do you let him skate to this point untouched?
FLHabs Send all your underacheiving prospects!! Feb 18, 2017 1,967 3,143 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #522 When was the last time the Suzuki line got scored on? Boys need to wake up
HabsWhiteKnightLOL Registered User Apr 29, 2017 34,333 45,504 Somewhere on earth in a hospital Tuesday at 7:40 PM #523 Savard jackeye pairing belongs to the ahl
HuGo Burner Acc Registered User Mar 30, 2016 4,130 4,588 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #524 Savard and xhekaj wouldve kept backing up until they hit the boards Reactions: vokiel, TCIH, Team_Spirit and 1 other person
Lafleurs Guy Guuuuuuuy! Jul 20, 2007 73,702 42,734 Tuesday at 7:40 PM #525 Boss Man Hughes said: And the defense faks up again. Click to expand... I don’t blame the D there. Goalie should have it. Reactions: CharleyHorse, NobleSix and Rozz
Boss Man Hughes said: And the defense faks up again. Click to expand... I don’t blame the D there. Goalie should have it.