armani High Jacques Apr 8, 2005 9,934 4,768 Uranus Tuesday at 9:18 PM #476 Just give Hamonic the Norris already. Green must be so happy, no Hammer ain’t never coming out of the lineup FML.
Just give Hamonic the Norris already. Green must be so happy, no Hammer ain’t never coming out of the lineup FML.
PoutineSp00nZ Electricity is really just organized lightning. Jul 21, 2009 20,041 5,643 Ottawa Tuesday at 9:19 PM #477 Nice to see hamonic get rewarded. He has been quietly awesome of late.
CorrectOpinion Registered User Mar 8, 2016 677 456 Tuesday at 9:19 PM #478 milkbag said: You have a Hutson? Heh... Well we have a Hamonic Click to expand... It's not even close. Hammer is a lot better.
milkbag said: You have a Hutson? Heh... Well we have a Hamonic Click to expand... It's not even close. Hammer is a lot better.
Nova Stutzlia Registered User Oct 23, 2021 1,924 1,519 Tuesday at 9:19 PM #479 Caps 3 Wings 1 5:29 left Reactions: L'Aveuglette
Cosmix Registered User Jul 24, 2011 17,887 6,481 Ottawa Tuesday at 9:19 PM #480 Well there you go. Another D zone muckup!
Rodzilla Registered User Aug 31, 2010 10,921 3,318 Canada Tuesday at 9:20 PM #482 easy breakout missed by Hamonic again…. Reactions: Xspyrit, Carl Karlsson, L'Aveuglette and 1 other person
Senscore Let's keep it cold Nov 19, 2012 19,856 14,481 Tuesday at 9:20 PM #484 Hamonic ruined it like he always does Reactions: Xspyrit
Nova Stutzlia Registered User Oct 23, 2021 1,924 1,519 Tuesday at 9:20 PM #485 Can't believe how much the Sens give away the puck in their own end!
Hale The Villain Registered User Apr 2, 2008 25,664 13,253 Tuesday at 9:20 PM #486 Refs doing anything they can to help the home team Reactions: Carl Karlsson and Senscore
Mark Stones Spleen Registered User Jan 17, 2008 10,851 7,010 T.O. Tuesday at 9:20 PM #487 Hamonic is entering GOAT territory
L'Aveuglette つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Jan 8, 2007 47,710 19,685 Montreal Tuesday at 9:20 PM #488 God f***ing damn it. Reactions: Carl Karlsson
Pierre from Orleans Registered User May 9, 2007 26,081 17,236 Tuesday at 9:20 PM #489 Hamonic taketh and Hamonic giveth. Reactions: DrEasy and senswon
BonHoonLayneCornell Registered User Oct 16, 2006 15,192 10,423 Yukon Tuesday at 9:20 PM #490 f*** the Habs
Ralph Malfredsson PhD in indiscreet street haggling Sponsor Jun 3, 2008 2,093 1,080 Tuesday at 9:20 PM #491 Ungood
senswon Quo Tendimus Aug 1, 2007 2,680 1,120 Kingstone Tuesday at 9:20 PM #492 The hammer giveth and the hammer taketh away Reactions: Ralph Malfredsson
CornerStone61 Registered User Apr 13, 2015 1,524 1,716 Tuesday at 9:20 PM #493 Hamonic giveth and Hamonic taketh Reactions: Cosmix, Carl Karlsson and Ralph Malfredsson
Blotto71 Let's go!! May 12, 2013 1,946 734 Over There Tuesday at 9:21 PM #494 f***ing brutal!! Shit clearing attempt. No battle. Come on!
Mingus Dew Microphone Assassin Oct 7, 2013 5,633 4,160 Tuesday at 9:21 PM #495 You don’t clear the front of the net that’s what happens good job bozos
Emerica Registered User May 29, 2010 10,867 6,077 Tuesday at 9:21 PM #496 you knew hamonic was gonna give it back lol
PlayOn HFBoards Sponsor Sponsor Jun 22, 2010 1,283 1,469 Tuesday at 9:21 PM #497 Highmore getting ready to score the GWG Reactions: Senscore and Ralph Malfredsson
Cosmix Registered User Jul 24, 2011 17,887 6,481 Ottawa Tuesday at 9:21 PM #498 8:45 to go. Tied 3-3.
Ouroboros There is no armour against Fate Feb 3, 2008 14,953 10,165 Tuesday at 9:21 PM #499 Be nice to get a point here, but I'm not really feeling it.
Speatleysson Registered User Jul 2, 2009 3,572 2,431 Ottawa, Ontario Tuesday at 9:21 PM #500 sens are going to find a way to lose this