The Blue Baron
Registered User
Is it still 1997The more they update this site the worse it gets
Fefe, Hammer. Seeler, Nail
Is it still 1997The more they update this site the worse it gets
Fefe, Hammer. Seeler, Nail
The more they update this site the worse it gets
Fefe, Hammer. Seeler, Nail
Holy cats this platform is as slow as JD Vance forming a rational argument.
Crash another goal ye depressed S-T segment inflicted coelacanths
Holy cats this platform is as slow as JD Vance forming a rational argument.
Ah... I was going to stop and watch the game at a pub... but this says enoughHey we won a face off!! B'h'awesome.
I will happily take all starts.People complain about late starts but this early start hasn't brought to many into the convo
He's no Logan Stanley thats for sure...Ehlers and his antics at it again.