Emerica Registered User May 29, 2010 11,629 7,294 Yesterday at 10:04 PM #476 oh hell no. that’s a goal
Speatleysson Registered User Jul 2, 2009 4,085 2,891 Ottawa, Ontario Yesterday at 10:04 PM #477 if they call that back there should be a penalty on the chicago player
OUT HOUSE Registered User Feb 16, 2008 3,233 2,405 99 Rideau Yesterday at 10:04 PM #478 If this is called back I’m becoming an MLB fan Reactions: DrEasy and L'Aveuglette
Pierre from Orleans Registered User May 9, 2007 28,601 22,568 Yesterday at 10:04 PM #479 "I don't think this is going to count" - Galley 10 seconds later "I think this is going to count" - Galley Reactions: Carl Karlsson, Alex1234, L'Aveuglette and 2 others
"I don't think this is going to count" - Galley 10 seconds later "I think this is going to count" - Galley
Emerica Registered User May 29, 2010 11,629 7,294 Yesterday at 10:04 PM #480 and if its not a goal, its a penalty on the chicago defender Reactions: DrEasy
Wallet Inspector Registered User Jan 19, 2013 6,543 6,270 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #481 Chicago paid off the refs for that good goal call, they're trying to tank
Nova Stutzlia Registered User Oct 23, 2021 2,228 1,848 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #483 Timmy was only playing with us.
Relapsing Registered User Jul 3, 2018 4,104 4,045 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #484 Lol. Get f***ed Chicago Reactions: Pierre from Orleans
Ralph Malfredsson PhD in indiscreet street haggling Sponsor Jun 3, 2008 2,290 1,363 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #485 100% a goal - it was on the replay Reactions: ChurchOfAlfie, Bileur, The Expert and 2 others
Ouroboros There is no armour against Fate Feb 3, 2008 16,042 12,007 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #486 Start the bus. That's a robbery. Reactions: Norris4Norris and Puikiou
2CHAINZ Registered User Feb 27, 2008 15,457 22,043 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #489 Reactions: DrEasy, Carl Karlsson, Ralph Malfredsson and 1 other person
Blotto71 Here we go again! May 12, 2013 2,920 1,733 Over Here Yesterday at 10:05 PM #490 Good, now Donato can pack his shit and get on the plane with the Sens Reactions: DrEasy, Carl Karlsson, Ralph Malfredsson and 1 other person
The Devilish Buffoon Registered User Dec 24, 2018 13,068 11,906 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #491 Any reason why Chicago wouldn't challenge? Seems like a no brainer to at least try Reactions: DrEasy and Norris4Norris
OUT HOUSE Registered User Feb 16, 2008 3,233 2,405 99 Rideau Yesterday at 10:05 PM #492 Yeah they’re winning the cup
aragorn Do The Right Thing Aug 8, 2004 29,713 10,498 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #493 I get the TV working again just in time to see Stutzle put it in the net for the win, the only stat that matters. Reactions: Icelevel
I get the TV working again just in time to see Stutzle put it in the net for the win, the only stat that matters.
Icelevel During these difficult times... Sponsor Sep 9, 2009 26,331 6,338 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #494 Phew. Start the damn car
Pierre from Orleans Registered User May 9, 2007 28,601 22,568 Yesterday at 10:05 PM #495 Reactions: DrEasy, Carl Karlsson, Alex1234 and 2 others
PlayOn Registered User Sponsor Jun 22, 2010 3,076 4,250 Yesterday at 10:06 PM #496 Well it was kind of ugly but at least we won. We need December Ullmark back asap though. Reactions: Mr Hat
Erik Alfredsson Beast Mode Cowboy! Jan 14, 2012 13,861 6,322 Yesterday at 10:06 PM #497 Lol some guys on the bench were yelling at guys to get off the ice as quickly as possible, probably so Chicago couldn't have a chance to challenge. Reactions: Ralph Malfredsson
Lol some guys on the bench were yelling at guys to get off the ice as quickly as possible, probably so Chicago couldn't have a chance to challenge.
dpw Registered User Jul 29, 2004 917 168 Yesterday at 10:06 PM #498 we got lucky. did not play well most of the game. Sandy and Ammo were great.
L'Aveuglette つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Jan 8, 2007 49,717 22,758 Montreal Yesterday at 10:06 PM #499 Well shiiiieeeeet. Way to go Timmy! Great effort on that one and the call could have gone either way imo. Thank god for that extra point. Just hope they start playing better moving forward.
Well shiiiieeeeet. Way to go Timmy! Great effort on that one and the call could have gone either way imo. Thank god for that extra point. Just hope they start playing better moving forward.