My grandson was just called up from peewee to Bantam. He's never had a lesson on how to hit or take a hit all of the other kids are is 1-2 years older and bigger than him. I had to take him to his first game and I was holding my breath the whole time. I enjoyed hockey more before my grandkids started playing. I want to buy him and his sister neck/wrist wraps to protect those vulnerable areas but their father doesn't want it. Turns my stomach because I've had a couple of traumatic injuries. One of which was
I Took a broken off stick (shards) in the eye at 6 and missed a couple months of school in '63. If there wasn't an eye doctor in the hospital that night I would've lost the eye.
Eye injuries freak me out like no other.
I Took a broken off stick (shards) in the eye at 6 and missed a couple months of school in '63. If there wasn't an eye doctor in the hospital that night I would've lost the eye.
Eye injuries freak me out like no other.