Amazon broadcast was impressive - it was a full Sens homers broadcast which I enjoyed they really treated the Sens like a top NHL team and we’re praising the team top to bottom.
Some great camera angles too especially the Sanderson goal had a great one. Stats packages, little history things “Gaudette was a star in college” all little nuggets really well done.
Had an NFL feel to me the way they presented the stats ockages and plays and focused on hustle and passion - the praise on the Ridley Greig empty net goal felt like an NFL call for an O Lineman blocking.
Broadcast had an American feel to it but a good one because I dont say that often for American hockey broadcast
Amazon has raised the bar for mid week broadcast, very slick whereas the Canadian mid week is relying on individual personalities more for the relationship. Still love my TSN broadcast but Amazon just has way more money for prep, graphics, sets, staff, cameras I’m sure their per game budget is 10x what TSN is spending on a Monday game.