Imagine offensive creativitySchneider had Mika all alone if he had any vision. That was the time. To force the pass.
For Mika to hold and pass to someone coveredSchneider had Mika all alone if he had any vision. That was the time to force the pass
It's hard to get lost in midtown Manhattan. It's a grid. I try to tell these tourists all the time.Kreider looks absolutely lost out there.
They talk about going downhill in hockey, basketball, etc.Standing at the Blue line... Ugh... I hate that "play" going from a guy with a speed, to some flatfooted.
I'd veto this shit as a senatorThrilling stuff
It would be hilarious if their logo was Joe Manchin in a gladiator helmet.I'd veto this shit as a senator
Or "gesundheit"Every time they mention Chabot I want to say "shalom"