The point is, whether you think it's Sather, or if it's Dolan, or if it's just been passed down a chain of promotions, or if you think it's the f***ing Boogeyman, it doesn't matter. What matters is that the mentality hasn't really changed around this organization. Either the same people are putting together these departments or they think the same way as the people who used to put together these departments.
It's not just that this team is bad, it's that they're bad and they think they're good. The only way to explain the persistence of some of these issues is that the team doesn't think there are issues.
Matter of fact, you wanna talk about tinfoil hat, how about "well it's obviously Jed Ortmeyer!" from all these people who couldn't pick Jed Ortmeyer out of a photo lineup.
I don't think it's one person, I think it's culture. My point about Sather is that he's a direct holdover from our culture over the last 20 some odd years. He's a constant.
Mostly importantly, I'm tired of sitting here saying "it's on the coach and the next coach will fix everything." I've been saying that for like 8 years.