Jeff Carter was amazing tonight, Statsny's goal was Carter's fault, he did cough it up behind the net but he never put his head down and pouted, played like a star for the rest of the game.
?? or maybe Statsny just made a good play to get the puck...2 pts? feels good.
Or maybe it was Carter's Fault, he DID turn the puck over trying to take it behind the net, but I also fault Voynov for his WEAK ass effort defending behind the net as well, looked like he didn't know what to do or who to take and in the end just stood there looking dumb ... and it wasn't Statsny that stripped the puck from Carter that was another Av forget who ?, and that guy poked the puck forward to Statsny ... Statsny was Voynov's man and as I said Voynov did nothing to help Quick there, by the time Quick and Scuderi got to the other side goal post, it was already going 5 hole as Quick was sliding across.
Not bashing Carter or Voynov, but everyone wants to always jump on every other player when they make the smallest mistake, Carter and Voynov aren't immune to making them either is my point, but Take the WIN, move on to Saturday and CRUSH some DUCK !