I must say my experience with prime hockey was not the greatest.
Normally when I PVR a game, I just have to press the forward or backward button to skip a specific time ahead or back and it loads instantly, and the quality is always perfect.
With prime, if I press forward, I then have to press play to stop the fast forwarding...but this pauses it...so I have to press play again.
So to fast forward the standard commercial break on pvr meant me clicking the forward button 3 times really quickly and the tv automatically jumps ahead 1:30.
With prime it's this annoying process where I have to wait for the time go keep going ahead by 10 seconds...so I have to wait for it to change 9 times to get to 1:30 and then press a button a couple times.
Doing this every commercial break or whistle is so time consuming. And then you have to wait a second or two while it loads. And the picture quality goes up and down because it's a stream depended on bandwidth and how many users are streaming... It's like the Tyson Paul fight...annoying waiting for loading times.
Anyone else notice little things that prime is worse at than your normal viewing???