OT: Fitness and Nutrition Part V

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Registered User
May 28, 2011
My understanding is that the vast majority of people cannot bench press their own body weight. Among men, being able to do so puts you in the top 5 or 10%.

Personally, I can't either. It's a combination of weak upper body strength, and sometimes carrying too much body weight.

I have a weird body. My legs are broader, and hairier, than my arms and chest. I have modestly above-averaged size feet (~11.5 D) but somewhat small hands and wrists. It's like the testosterone receptors made it up to my waist during puberty, and stopped.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
How many eggs do you eat per week? I could probably eat them everyday, but even with the cholesterol myth lifted I'm still suffering from ingrained prejudice.

Depends, probably 3 a day on average, 20 or so. I dont have a set diet, i just try to hit macros, so usually ill wat what ever I want.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
My understanding is that the vast majority of people cannot bench press their own body weight. Among men, being able to do so puts you in the top 5 or 10%.

Personally, I can't either. It's a combination of weak upper body strength, and sometimes carrying too much body weight.

I have a weird body. My legs are broader, and hairier, than my arms and chest. I have modestly above-averaged size feet (~11.5 D) but somewhat small hands and wrists. It's like the testosterone receptors made it up to my waist during puberty, and stopped.
The only reason why someone will not benchpress bodyweight + is because theyre not commited to it. If you press once a month, dont expect great results. I think the first time I benched body weight I mustve been 16 or so. Its really not an accomplishment IMO. Just goes to show how "unfit" the average person really is.


Registered User
Sep 4, 2013
i cant even seem to lose weight even by eating like an african guy in ethiopia. there is something wrong with my diet. The 2 glass of milk a day is mandatory for me but thats like already 30% satured fat intake of a day. I have no choice, i have to give myself a margin, not eating enough isn't good. Then at night i load with fruits and carbs like spaghetti and try to eat 2 bananas daily. we say fruits are healthy but...it has lot of carbs im confused? it has good vitamins i agree though. Its low caloric as well.Sometimes i drink orange juice which i should avoid.For lunch i have a very small tuna sandwich with a bit of mayo ( which might be an issue).

its the first time i struggle with weight since my back pain thing. Its hard for me to do all these streches and recover my back pain im a noob when it comes to those things. It has lasted way too long and i do go to a physio and i even do acupuncture.

But i had such good habits before, i used to run frequently and from age 17 to 24 i never had much weight problems. always been a healthy and good looking guy that even has some muscles. Im an idiot realizing that cardio is one of the best things as you lose or maintain your weight while even eating junk food. Man i miss those days. Im a big steak and junk food guy. I realized that my health was always maintained by my good habits. I was a total beast without knowing it. but a small mistake is costing me big. Im 28 im still young, its time for me to fix my back so i can frickin' run, im a noob. Im not a fitness freak but i do like being consistent and staying healthy. I was a very wise kid.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
i cant even seem to lose weight even by eating like an african guy in ethiopia. there is something wrong with my diet. The 2 glass of milk a day is mandatory for me but thats like already 30% satured fat intake of a day. I have no choice, i have to give myself a margin, not eating enough isn't good. Then at night i load with fruits and carbs like spaghetti and try to eat 2 bananas daily. we say fruits are healthy but...it has lot of carbs im confused? it has good vitamins i agree though. Its low caloric as well.Sometimes i drink orange juice which i should avoid.For lunch i have a very small tuna sandwich with a bit of mayo ( which might be an issue).

its the first time i struggle with weight since my back pain thing. Its hard for me to do all these streches and recover my back pain im a noob when it comes to those things. It has lasted way too long and i do go to a physio and i even do acupuncture.

But i had such good habits before, i used to run frequently and from age 17 to 24 i never had much weight problems. always been a healthy and good looking guy that even has some muscles. Im an idiot realizing that cardio is one of the best things as you lose or maintain your weight while even eating junk food. Man i miss those days. Im a big steak and junk food guy. I realized that my health was always maintained by my good habits. I was a total beast without knowing it. but a small mistake is costing me big. Im 28 im still young, its time for me to fix my back so i can frickin' run, im a noob. Im not a fitness freak but i do like being consistent and staying healthy. I was a very wise kid.

IMO, until you track your caloric intake, it's hard to draw conclusions. As you said, some fruits can be quite caloric. Yes, they're "good" food but they have to fit your macros. I don't really buy into the good vs. bad foods. You can load up on junk food, respect your calories and you'll drop weight if you're in a caloric deficit. Same way you can eat a bunch of good stuff like avocados, bananas and what have you and still end up gaining a bunch of weight. "Good" foods like fruits, vegetables and untransformed foods are good because they have a lot more vitamins and minerals. Sugar is sugar in the end. Whether you eat transformed sugar or strawberries, once they're in your blood they're both glucose. However, strawberries will give you vitamins and minerals that transformed sugars won't.

I'm currently on a caloric deficit and a high protein diet definitely works best for me. Also, if you read studies on the subject you'll often find that a critique of many studies is that they don't control for protein intake making some diets better than others.


Registered User
Jan 16, 2009
IMO, until you track your caloric intake, it's hard to draw conclusions. As you said, some fruits can be quite caloric. Yes, they're "good" food but they have to fit your macros. I don't really buy into the good vs. bad foods. You can load up on junk food, respect your calories and you'll drop weight if you're in a caloric deficit. Same way you can eat a bunch of good stuff like avocados, bananas and what have you and still end up gaining a bunch of weight. "Good" foods like fruits, vegetables and untransformed foods are good because they have a lot more vitamins and minerals. Sugar is sugar in the end. Whether you eat transformed sugar or strawberries, once they're in your blood they're both glucose. However, strawberries will give you vitamins and minerals that transformed sugars won't.

I'm currently on a caloric deficit and a high protein diet definitely works best for me. Also, if you read studies on the subject you'll often find that a critique of many studies is that they don't control for protein intake making some diets better than others.

Very well put. I also did a high protein diet and it helped me drop 20 lbs. I was also doing IF at the same time.
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Registered User
Jan 30, 2018
You eat pasta at night and wonder why you can't lose weight ...

Do Intermittent fasting and problem solved ... 12-16hr without eating ... It will reduce inflammation also. Worst thing is eating before going to bed.
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Registered User
Jan 16, 2009
You eat pasta at night and wonder why you can't lose weight ...

Do Intermittent fasting and problem solved ... 12-16hr without eating ... It will reduce inflammation also. Worst thing is eating before going to bed.

It doesn't matter the time you eat. It's how much you eat. What matters most is Calories in, calories out.
I agree on the Intermittent fasting.
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Registered User
May 28, 2011
It doesn't matter the time you eat. It's how much you eat. What matters most is Calories in, calories out.
I agree on the Intermittent fasting.

Calories out is a very sensitive function if when and what you eat.

This is proven, for example, in various rat studies. If you feed rats the same amount of food at different times, they will end up with different weights.

If it were as simple as "the first law of thermodynamics", it would apply to every animal on Earth. It's proven not to.


Registered User
Sep 4, 2013
its not pasta what i eat its spaghetti with a bit of sauce. If i dont eat that at night its more then starvation come on now. I mean, my family does fast so i break it at night it means from lunch to supper i dont eat

but im doing something wrong. Calories? What if you exceed fat intake with 10 tablespoon of olive oil?? are you gonna lose weight even if you ate 100 calories during whole day?

will you lose weight if you exceed sodium, carbs or fat intake but your calories are very low? that might be my issue

I probably dont eat 1000 calories a day lately


Registered User
Jan 16, 2009
Calories out is a very sensitive function if when and what you eat.

This is proven, for example, in various rat studies. If you feed rats the same amount of food at different times, they will end up with different weights.

If it were as simple as "the first law of thermodynamics", it would apply to every animal on Earth. It's proven not to.

I guess it also depends on the person's age, activities etc. Personally, I do a lot of resistance training with some cardio. When I was cutting, I was on a caloric deficit. I would eat at different times of day/ night and be lighter on the scale as well with lower body fat % at the end of the week. I will also add that I always respected the 16:8 IF when doing so.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
Have you guys looked at the 100 most influential fitness personalities ?

They literally have Dj Khaled between Symeon Panda and Serena Williams :laugh: What da phoque.

They also have Oprah and Sharon Salzberg just a few spots behind Brian Shaw, Froning and Fraser.

How ridiculous can you get :laugh:


Registered User
Jan 16, 2009
its not pasta what i eat its spaghetti with a bit of sauce. If i dont eat that at night its more then starvation come on now. I mean, my family does fast so i break it at night it means from lunch to supper i dont eat

but im doing something wrong. Calories? What if you exceed fat intake with 10 tablespoon of olive oil?? are you gonna lose weight even if you ate 100 calories during whole day?

will you lose weight if you exceed sodium, carbs or fat intake but your calories are very low? that might be my issue

I probably dont eat 1000 calories a day lately

You are eating less than 1000 calories and not losing weight? What is your height and current weight? BTW, eating 1000 calories and less can be dangerous if not followed by a professional dietitian.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Have you guys looked at the 100 most influential fitness personalities ?

They literally have Dj Khaled between Symeon Panda and Serena Williams :laugh: What da phoque.

They also have Oprah and Sharon Salzberg just a few spots behind Brian Shaw, Froning and Fraser.

How ridiculous can you get :laugh:

I know one person in the top-10 and 3 in the top-20 lol!

Not surprised to see this and I have compassion for people with weight issues but please. So damn tired of seeing fat ladies doing yoga being presented as being healthy and whatnot.
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Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
I know one person in the top-10 and 3 in the top-20 lol!

Not surprised to see this and I have compassion for people with weight issues but please. So damn tired of seeing fat ladies doing yoga being presented as being healthy and whatnot.
Well, Im fine with overweight people doing yoga, it just shows that overweight people around the world that usually wouldn't dare, actually can do it, but Oprah and DJ Khaled ? God damn.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Well, Im fine with overweight people doing yoga, it just shows that overweight people around the world that usually wouldn't dare, actually can do it, but Oprah and DJ Khaled ? God damn.

I'm totally behind overweight people showing they can change by moving from an "unhealthy" lifestyle to a more "healthy" one. What I dislike is normalizing obesity. I hear this more and more: "I don't want to lose weight, I just want to eat healthy and be healthy". I think, in some ways, it sends the wrong message.

Also, I know it's about influencers and not so much who's healthy and whatnot but I can't get behind guys like Eddie Hall on there either. The guy's been on steroids since his teens and struggles with every part of his life because of that.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2013
I know one person in the top-10 and 3 in the top-20 lol!

Not surprised to see this and I have compassion for people with weight issues but please. So damn tired of seeing fat ladies doing yoga being presented as being healthy and whatnot.

Well, it actually is healthy, for the mind that is. Which, I guess, is good if you plan on dealing with your weight issues by embracing them.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
I'm totally behind overweight people showing they can change by moving from an "unhealthy" lifestyle to a more "healthy" one. What I dislike is normalizing obesity. I hear this more and more: "I don't want to lose weight, I just want to eat healthy and be healthy". I think, in some ways, it sends the wrong message.

Also, I know it's about influencers and not so much who's healthy and whatnot but I can't get behind guys like Eddie Hall on there either. The guy's been on steroids since his teens and struggles with every part of his life because of that.
But he's achieved something that has been never done in history. Health or not, there's a message in there.

I agree on the normalisation of obesity, it's not fine to be obese, it's a disease. If someone doesn't want to change, that is their choice and every one should respect that, but the glorification that goes on with the "every body is beautiful" movement or what ever they call themselves now is kind of sending the wrong message. It's not about striving to be a model, it's about being healthy.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
But he's achieved something that has been never done in history. Health or not, there's a message in there.

I agree on the normalisation of obesity, it's not fine to be obese, it's a disease. If someone doesn't want to change, that is their choice and every one should respect that, but the glorification that goes on with the "every body is beautiful" movement or what ever they call themselves now is kind of sending the wrong message. It's not about striving to be a model, it's about being healthy.

I give Eddie Hall full marks on his achievements, determination, passion and everything it took to get there. However, he doesn't have a healthy lifestyle by any stretch of imagination IMO. He might not make it past 50. Not so sure he's that good of an example for many kids I see. Not saying it's Eddie's fault kids take steroids but every powerlifter/strongman/weightlifter wanabee knows you have to be on roids to achieve those results.

In the same way I'm against normalizing obesity, I think in strength sports, people normalize and rationalize the use of PED's quite easily. How often do I hear "oh sarms are harmless" or "so and so drugs only do that to your body", or "oh I only take them to get through plateaus". Practicing strength sports is "healthy" (when done correctly of course ... can't help but feel the pain for all the hockey players I see squating/doing power cleans in every wrong way possible in the summer), especially when people take their diets seriously and apply themselves at becoming the best lifter possible. That's great. But when watching Hall, Stefi Cohen and whatnot there's a big unhealthy message these guys carry that I just can't get behind. It is to do whatever's possible to be the best at your sport.


Registered User
May 28, 2011
You are eating less than 1000 calories and not losing weight? What is your height and current weight? BTW, eating 1000 calories and less can be dangerous if not followed by a professional dietitian.
He needs to eat more and to fix his metabolism before he does anything else.

IMO, until you track your caloric intake, it's hard to draw conclusions. As you said, some fruits can be quite caloric. Yes, they're "good" food but they have to fit your macros. I don't really buy into the good vs. bad foods. You can load up on junk food, respect your calories and you'll drop weight if you're in a caloric deficit. Same way you can eat a bunch of good stuff like avocados, bananas and what have you and still end up gaining a bunch of weight. "Good" foods like fruits, vegetables and untransformed foods are good because they have a lot more vitamins and minerals. Sugar is sugar in the end. Whether you eat transformed sugar or strawberries, once they're in your blood they're both glucose. However, strawberries will give you vitamins and minerals that transformed sugars won't.

I'm currently on a caloric deficit and a high protein diet definitely works best for me. Also, if you read studies on the subject you'll often find that a critique of many studies is that they don't control for protein intake making some diets better than others.
There are massive differences between strawberries and sugar, as it's not the case that "sugar is sugar". The strawberry contains 4 grams of fiber for every 10 grams of sugar, and it's now well measured that the body responds differently to sugar+fiber than it does to sugar alone.

Within nature, fructose always comes with fiber, with the exception of honey. The fiber means that your body will take longer to digest the sugar, your gut will be healthier, your mood will be better, you will have a lower appetite, more energy, etc. It also modifies your liver's cholesterol production.

Strawberries also contain protein. If you ate 2,500 calories/day of strawberries, you'd get 55 grams of protein/day. That's actually the RDA of sedentary people. It's not good enough for bodybuilders, but it's great for everyone else.

I'm totally behind overweight people showing they can change by moving from an "unhealthy" lifestyle to a more "healthy" one. What I dislike is normalizing obesity. I hear this more and more: "I don't want to lose weight, I just want to eat healthy and be healthy". I think, in some ways, it sends the wrong message.

Also, I know it's about influencers and not so much who's healthy and whatnot but I can't get behind guys like Eddie Hall on there either. The guy's been on steroids since his teens and struggles with every part of his life because of that.
There's also the case of the internet celebrity Zyzz. He was an example that people pointed to, of body transformation. He died of heart failure.

How often do I hear "oh sarms are harmless"
It is completely unknown if those drugs are harmless, they're mostly poorly researched.

Have you guys looked at the 100 most influential fitness personalities ?

They literally have Dj Khaled between Symeon Panda and Serena Williams :laugh: What da phoque.

They also have Oprah and Sharon Salzberg just a few spots behind Brian Shaw, Froning and Fraser.

How ridiculous can you get :laugh:
Oprah is one of the world's most influential people :)
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Registered User
May 28, 2011
I know one person in the top-10 and 3 in the top-20 lol!

Not surprised to see this and I have compassion for people with weight issues but please. So damn tired of seeing fat ladies doing yoga being presented as being healthy and whatnot.
Well, it actually is healthy, for the mind that is. Which, I guess, is good if you plan on dealing with your weight issues by embracing them.
Yoga is good for you. Moreover, most of the regulars at yoga studios are fit. You'll see more nice asses there than you will in a cardio canyon.

It's not well understood why yoga does such a great job of improving people's health. I've read that it might be due to the lowered cortisol and improved sleep. At that point, you'll have superior body composition independently of macros and calories.

It's also good for the mind.


Registered User
May 28, 2011
its not pasta what i eat its spaghetti with a bit of sauce. If i dont eat that at night its more then starvation come on now. I mean, my family does fast so i break it at night it means from lunch to supper i dont eat

but im doing something wrong. Calories? What if you exceed fat intake with 10 tablespoon of olive oil?? are you gonna lose weight even if you ate 100 calories during whole day?

will you lose weight if you exceed sodium, carbs or fat intake but your calories are very low? that might be my issue

I probably dont eat 1000 calories a day lately

Low-calorie, high-insulin diets lead to reduced metabolism. One example is the biggest loser study. Another is the Minnesota experiment.

It may be the case that you should forget about dieting for the time being. You've experienced a metabolic crash, assuming that you're counting calories properly. You might be better off shifting your eating to larger quantities of high quality foods, and dropping any cardio that you're doing.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
Yoga is good for you. Moreover, most of the regulars at yoga studios are fit. You'll see more nice asses there than you will in a cardio canyon.

It's not well understood why yoga does such a great job of improving people's health. I've read that it might be due to the lowered cortisol and improved sleep. At that point, you'll have superior body composition independently of macros and calories.

It's also good for the mind.
It probably has a lot more to do with the fact that if youre willing to do yoga on a regular basis, youre probably someone that goes out of his way to have a healthy lifestyle.
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Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
I give Eddie Hall full marks on his achievements, determination, passion and everything it took to get there. However, he doesn't have a healthy lifestyle by any stretch of imagination IMO. He might not make it past 50. Not so sure he's that good of an example for many kids I see. Not saying it's Eddie's fault kids take steroids but every powerlifter/strongman/weightlifter wanabee knows you have to be on roids to achieve those results.

In the same way I'm against normalizing obesity, I think in strength sports, people normalize and rationalize the use of PED's quite easily. How often do I hear "oh sarms are harmless" or "so and so drugs only do that to your body", or "oh I only take them to get through plateaus". Practicing strength sports is "healthy" (when done correctly of course ... can't help but feel the pain for all the hockey players I see squating/doing power cleans in every wrong way possible in the summer), especially when people take their diets seriously and apply themselves at becoming the best lifter possible. That's great. But when watching Hall, Stefi Cohen and whatnot there's a big unhealthy message these guys carry that I just can't get behind. It is to do whatever's possible to be the best at your sport.
I get what you're saying, but as I'm saying, the message goes further than that for most of these people. PEDs, Fat, wtv. Its influencing/being inspirational mostly.

And to be honest, a lot of the same could be said about most profesionnal athletes. Hockey, Football, Rugby, etc. Theyre all at such a high level that it grants diminishing return health wise.
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