I don't think it's a question of the team paying for it, but rather that the punishment is too severe and should be reduced. They wouldn't be asking for complete absolution, but rather just a lesser penalty, just like how regular prison sentences can be reduced for good behavior, in this case removing all those formerly involved with the team. It's not an outrageous ask. There were some anonymous takes across the league who indicated they thought it was overly harsh, others thought it was appropriate or clamored for more. Without the specifics being released, it sounds overly punishing and those clamoring that it was an appropriate punishment or should have been more should have to make the case else they come across as simply trying to use anything to gain a competitive advantage. This whole issue wouldn't be an issue if the league was ever transparent about these things, or maybe it would be because they'd show how widely incapable they are at doling out punishments such as displayed on the ice with penalty calls or off the ice with discipline.