Everyone seems to want Sather gone. I don't disagree, but tyhe fish rots from the head down. Every team that Dolan has touched has turned to s**t.
Look at all the NY teams (I haven't lived in NY in 16 years, but I still root for them since I spent 40 years thereas a native). Jets, Mets, Knicks, Nets, Giants, not one has a prayer of winning a championship. Possibly because of the presence of so much media, athletes get completely over-rated in NY. Good players become "HOF'ers". Mediocre players are good, etc. I remeber Ron Duguay when he came up. A good player, big, fast but without great scoring skills. Yet according to the team and the media, he was the greatest hockey player since Gordie Howe. I think of Carmelo Anthony, the "face" of the Knicks. Sure, he has great talent, but he can't/won't pass the ball, is streaky, doesn't play defense or rebound much, and keeps the Knicks as the 4th or 5th best team in the conference - not lousy enough to get studs in the draft, but never more than a one or two and done in the playoffs.
Seems to me the Rangers need better ownership, committed to building a winner instead of just making a buck, a GM with a long-term plan, not just a quick-fix mentality, and realistic appraisals of players.
It may also be that a lot of free agents don't want to come to NY becuase of the taxes and high cost of living - the reality is that life is so much better elsewhere, IMHO.