Barkov Stanley cup champ!
Yes.Do these games count in the EHT standing?
Salmela is really bad.. Engren can't save anything..
Yes.Do these games count in the EHT standing?
For once Globen does not look empty in an EHT game did they perhaps give a whole bunch of tickets away?
Actually no tickets were given away free (in that case only to some youth teams, but I'm not sure), and tickets costed between €10 and €20 if I remember correctly.
For the next tournament:
Omark - Ericsson - Möller
Klasen - Zackrisson - Pettersson
Johnson - Forsell - Sörensen
Thuresson - Ritola - Ridderwall
Fransson - Hersley
Gustavsson - Kronwall
Rahimi - Ahnelöv
Well, there will be more double headers like this before the main event. But those are part of the camp season, so a lot may depend on who's in the playoffs of their respective leagues and who's not.Next tournament would be the the Worlds...