Calling someone else stupid for a "difference of opinion" is pretty indicative of some serious projecting on your part.
i'm pretty sure i didn't call you stupid. but it's tempting when you write:
Fighting must serve a purpose if the overwhelming majority of players support it.
blatantly not true lol. that's not a purpose, that's engrained culture. there. is. no. purpose. to. fighting. in. 2021.
Hitting is also inherently dangerous. Routine, benign hitting.
this goes back to "read before you post" because this has already been addressed, multiple times. hitting serves a purpose, to separate a man from the puck. the purpose of fighting, according to you, is the players like it. you realize how ridiculous that sounds, right?
I don't give a shit what other leagues are doing.
that's terrific, truly an intellectual counterpoint if i've ever seen one. there's a reason no other sports tolerate fighting like the nhl, but i guess if you don't give a shit that doesn't warrant consideration. well done, gold star. you win!