Fighting has to go

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Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
I'm leaning towards having fights removed.. but totally understand the crowd that wants to keep it in.

Fighting is kept in to appease old-school fans moreso than trying to attract newer fans.

Newer younger generations don't really watch sports. But if the NHL felt like this could possibly be a move to attract new fans, then of course they'll remove it.

Truth is, fighting is dying from hockey any ways regardless of whether people want to watch it or not. It's been declining every year for the past 15 years.


Nobody told me there'd be days like these...
You cannot compare the sports. The pace of play and surface on which they play are apples and oranges. If anything, hockey is the sport with more reason to fight.

It's a matter of opinion, and I understand your point, but I disagree. Both on whether the sports can be compared in terms of physicality and whether fighting in one suggests a need for fighting in the other.
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Flames Suck
Dec 28, 2006
Back to the Sweat Box
Finnish league is the nr. 1 sports league in their national market though.

NHL is barely top 10.

A lot to catch!

And yet, here you are.......talking about the NHL.

Just because you have very few options for sports entertainment, doesn't mean that's the case in North America. The NHL is sucking hind tit here. I mean High School Football draws a bigger audience.

Taking away something that makes the game exciting, especially for new viewers, seems a bit silly.

But hey, that's just me......


Jun 30, 2017
So you made this awful thread become someone hit their head on the ice... Okay. Players are going to hit their head all the time in any sport. Fighting isn't the direct cause. Losing balance is..


Registered User
Sep 12, 2008
You beat me to it. I read that and was like "Who is this trying to impress"

Yeah, I too thought that this was a much worse written argument than "real hockey fans like fights!" or "if there weren't fights, players would kill each other with their sticks and skates" and the all time classic "we've always had fights in hockey!" What a soft soyboy that @KingArthursCourt guy, go watch figure skating!


Registered User
Nov 23, 2011
The Arctic
Yeah, I too thought that this was a much worse written argument than "real hockey fans like fights!" or "if there weren't fights, players would kill each other with their sticks and skates" and the all time classic "we've always had fights in hockey!" What a soft soyboy that @KingArthursCourt guy, go watch figure skating!
Who said those things you've quoted?

Mr Positive

Cap Crunch Incoming
Nov 20, 2013
Now that there arent players who only fight, I admit I wish they wouldnt fight. We need Kassian this year, and not just to punch some depth player who is acting like a jerk, just to pick a fight

In that game, Kassian was supporting the play and making solid body checks. That's the real contribution.

The crowd likes a fight tho


yer opinion is wrong
Feb 28, 2013
That russian player this year died from a dump-in hitting him in the head.

Pucks are too hard. They need to be bubbled wrapped just like I was for my entire life.
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Gaylord Q Tinkledink

Registered User
Apr 29, 2018
I agree.

Parros before and now Kassian. Both destroyed by the ice.

I mean, it's not like a player has ever been bodychecked and hit his head on the ice, or they went awkwardly into the boards.

I posted this in the habs forum, but ill post it here.

Your average NHLer who plays 100+ games gets in maybe 1 fight in their career and takes 0-3 punches in all likelihood.

That same average NHLer will take around 1 hit a game.

If you watch a documentary on CTE they say it isn't the big push, or big hit that does it, but the smaller ones. Death by a thousand cuts almost.

Players are routinely taking hits and they're slow to get up after some.

Hockey is a dangerous, fast paced game.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2021
I tend to agree. The summer when 3 enforcers died changed my view about facing. Player safety/health should be a priority. If you could guarantee no long term brain damage from fighting I would support it. Banning fighting has nothing to do with lacking toughness, it is about health/safety.

That said I do find fighting entertaining.

Puck Dogg

Puck life
Mar 13, 2006
Finnish league is very different as there were incidents when fighting has led to police investigations. It has happened more than once if I recall.

The number of fights in the NHL has decreased dramatically from the 90's for example and there aren't many enforcers around today, they are a dying breed.

Fighting could be removed in case there would be pressure from fans, players or league officials. At the moment none are demanding fighting to be removed.

Also, in the past Bettman said fighting is part of the game.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2021
Across all the major pro sports, as the players' salaries have risen into the multi-millions of dollars, the physicality of the pro game has significantly softened. This has infected the now-boring NBA and the now-boring NFL, and I just hope it does not happen to the NHL; it's fine the way it is now. Hell, today's NFL quarterback may as well wear a ballerina tutu.
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Registered User
Oct 25, 2007
I'd love to see hockey played without fights. But, you have big guys, amped up, going around at breakneck speed in an enclosed area with weapons in their hands. And you also have some guys who care little for other players, and as such will slew foot, spear, and do all kinds of dirty things. And all would be fine if penalties were called, but that doesn't happen. When you put those together, you get a ticking time bomb. The options for dealing with it are: a)return in kind-hit a guy from behind into the boards, slew foot him, take out his knee, elbow to the head as he skates by unaware, heck a McSorley special could even be thrown in there(bc two hander to the head for those too young to remember), or option b), drop the gloves and fight.

While there is a chance a guy gets hurt in a fight, it's a much larger chance a guy gets really hurt if option a is where we are. Relying on refs/league officials is a fool's game, IMO. Not to mention, it hurts stars players a lot more, because guys can take runs at them, with little fear of proportional justice. Marc Savard missed how many games(did that end his career, can't recall), while Matt Cooke got suspended for far fewer. I know people like to push the "next man up" mantra, but there is a reason some guys are paid more than others, and them being out is not a good thing. There are enough legitimate ways they can get hurt in the course of a game, why allow dirty plays to add to that total?


Registered User
Oct 25, 2007
I'm generally against banning fights (with GMC or 1-game suspension), but at this point, it's the arguments and attitude from the pro-fight side, not fights themselves, that are making more and more people join the "ban fights" faction

Sorry if this was already asked, but can you elaborate? I'm curious as to what you are referring to, as it is an interesting view on it.


Wear a mask
Oct 23, 2013
Let’s acknowledge that even with fighting... today’s NHL game is boring.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2010
I thought the Parros incident would've been the beginning of the end, but surprisingly not much has changed since then. It's the risk these guys take unfortunately, and it doesn't help that Kassian keeps his helmet so loose.

Hate to see these injuries but I still appreciate fighting's place in the game. Inevitably, the days are numbered but until it's banned, I'll respect what it takes to drop the gloves. It's a unique and deeply rooted aspect of the sport's culture whether you try to cheapen it or not.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2009
I don't think fighting is really bringing in many new fans at this point. I also don't really think it's a good thing if fighting is the thing bringing people in. Would be nice if the game itself did.

I don't care one way or the other. Whatever the players want in this case. I love the game of hockey no matter if they fight or not.
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