Saw Summer Stars Chiellini in a lightning round Ultimate Pack today. Only had 30K coins... Sold what little tradeable I had in my club (thankfully fodder is high) and managed to scrape together the coin with about 3000 packs left.
Got 220K for him, so sitting on about a quarter mil.
Cheapest three squads left for Ramos... Gonna just pay and do them because I wanna use him this weekend.
Grinded the rest of the Swaps for the Moments PP...and got Lineker, Baresi, and Henry.
Yes, Henry would've made the most sense ... But the game's just about over and I already have Prime Henry. So I took Baresi. Stupid? Probably... But I've saved all my icons this year and I wanna run a full First Owner Icon squad for one of the last weekends...