I think this plays a part, and some of it might be personal, but I think it another part of it is...does anyone see Fedorov as being synonymous with the Wings? Yzerman wasn't just a great player, he wasn't just the captain for 20 years...he was the Wings. Lidstrom took that mantle and carried it for awhile. I never got that feeling with Feds or Shanny or Datsyuk. Sort of with Z, he was the next closest, but while he was here I think he was clearly not on Lidstrom's level there.
I know this is a messy concept, and there are going to be people who associate Feds tightly with Detroit, but I think there is a something to the jersey retirement thing that Feds doesn't hit. I don't think Larkin hits it, either. Mo is the next one to have a chance, imo.