The Nemesis
Semper Tyrannus
Ladies and gentlemen, the Congo Jack show has been put on hiatus for retooling.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Congo Jack show has been put on hiatus for retooling.
Note: Congo Jack died on his way to his home planet.
I was unaware of this until today but this guy did a Simpsons themed dinner party. If you go look at his timeline you will see all the menu items. (Nachos Flanders Style, Irregular Oreos, Nuts and Gum, ect)
"Authorization code? Code? Son, this is Colonel Hapablap!
That fool McGuckett sprayed runway foam all over Chuck Yeager's Acura.
Now get down there with the chamois triple-time! "
"But, Colonel, I'm under strict orders to--"
"Sweet Enola Gay, son! Get moving or I'll tear you up like a Kleenex at a, uh, snot party."
"Sir, right away, sir!"