TO has hired fancy stat experts, guys who have come up with Corsi, Fenwick and other such stats and so has other teams hired such people. Why hire them when the info they published was commonly available?
Who are the people publishing Corsi stats and other such stats, how do they have the time to view and evaluate 2,460 games plus playoff games? As far as I know these stats are provided by volunteers who probably are like Leaf fans viewing Leaf games, or Ottawa fans viewing Ottawa games and on and on. Leaf fans have a Leaf bias, Ottawa fans an Ottawa bias so how accurate are these commonly available stats?
Plus and Minus is a stat that the NHL actually pays someone to ascertain, it's a professionally provided and derived result, it might not be perfect but I think it's the only reliable stat that's available to us, the fans.
TO, Ottawa and other teams have analytics departments, I'm positive teams that have analytics dept. don't trust or rely on what many of we fans consider to be the bible.
An example of an amateur or biased results might be hitting, the Islanders have tradionally lead the NHL in the number of hits for the last 10 years(I'm guessing here) because they pad their home stats.