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get to AHL ASAP
Still a lot of season left to play. I don't know if he gets any AHL games this season.
get to AHL ASAP
as in... best at worst... circa late 90'sSaukkonen is the best, didn't even notice what Huuhtanen did lol
Niko has played 3 games for team Finland, 2+1 stats, not bad start.
i do not.Do you know why he didn't play yesterday for Jukurit?
Do you know why he didn't play yesterday for Jukurit?
i do not.
edit : it seems he has either some illness, or minor injury
he could play it seems, but not 100%.
I think its like this, play-offs coming next month, would be stupid
to risk your best player getting injured, if the player feels
that he isn't absolutely OK.
I think it was just precaution thing, i bet he plays in his next game
OkayHe injured his shoulder in the previous game, you can see the video here. If the website allows viewers outside Finland.
Niko Huuhtanen ontui rajun tällin jälkeen – näin SM-liigatähti kommentoi tilannettaan
Mikkelin Jukureiden tähtihyökkääjä Niko Huuhtanen koki kovia tiistain liigakierroksella.www.mtvuutiset.fi
He claimed to be just fine in the post game interview so most likely just precautionary as mentioned.
Huuhtanen has been a huge disappointment in Liiga playoffs. Non-factor. Too slow. I don't think his skating will be good enough for NHL.
Terrible playoffs for Huuhtanen. So slow. I don't think his skating will ever be good enough for NHL.
Its not a skating issue, with a little bit of eye test, easily can see the reality.Huuhtanen has been a huge disappointment in Liiga playoffs. Non-factor. Too slow. I don't think his skating will be good enough for NHL.
Might be just too much to fix. His skating got really exposed in playoffs. Slow, clunky, falls down easily, gets gassed easily. I understand now why he was the last pick of the draft. That skating is a massive weakness. It's a shame. If Huuhtanen knew how to skate, he would be an amazing player.Dude, he's turning 21 in June. Plenty of time to develop his skating.
Hopefully he had a big summer filled with power skating classes.Hoping for a big training camp for Huuhtanen, I wanna see that bomb of a one T on display.