Confirmed with Link: End of year press conferences: Adams to have one at 3pm on Tuesday after Granato firing


Registered User
Sep 8, 2010
Pegula clearly influences policy-level decisions with the Sabres, and that impacts everything from cap room to long-term deals to trades. Is he involved in the nitty-gritty stuff? No. But Kevyn Adams just said he talks to Pegula daily. What are they talking about, if not the Sabres, and what Pegula wants? Do you think Kevyn Adams is dictating that conversation and not Pegula? There is also a degree that employees almost restrict themselves from knowing what their managers or owners want.

Not that I want to dive too deep into this. But when it comes to running the Buffalo Sabres, how much of this team is structured based on Terry Pegula? Beane also has daily calls with Pegula. How much of the Bills are structured around Peg's decisions? Do we really think Terry is making decisions that adams HAS to follow through on?

I dont believe that one bit. I think Pegula throws his opinion out there, and Adams/Beane/company take it into their evaluation. Like plenty of owner/GM relationships do
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born Ruffian
Nov 19, 2007
City of Buffalo
Adams had a reputation as a fierce competitor as a player. This presser is consistent with how he has always sounded as GM to me. He may be putting on a bit more of a performance for the media today, but this is who he is. Doggedly competitive.

I'm sure he has struggled internally with whether to rush this build and replace youth with experience, but now he's seen the youth movement through to this point for better or worse. I strongly believe that no matter how this season went, this was always the off-season to start carving into the asset pool and form the roster to compete for years to come. Too many guys were still developing, too many long-term questions needed answering. We have most of the answers now, even if some of the answers aren't good, He seems to know what he needs to do this summer.

But anyone who thinks Adams is just a simple company-yes-man is mistaken imo. I thought that was the case when he was hired but he's done everything to disprove that since. He's a thoughtful, competitive guy who wants to win very badly. That's no guarantee of success of course, but it's also far from the unfair characterizations of him.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2006
Two thoughts:
1. He sounds like he has a specific coach in mind to hire already (Ruff?)
2. It was interesting to hear Pegula talks to him every day. That can’t possibly be true.
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Tijuana Donkey Show

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Mar 14, 2023
Not limited by monetary constraints mentioned at the end? Okay.

I await the YT version so I can hear.

I thought it was purposefully worded. Something along the lines of "We have everything we need to win", which I think is different.

"Terry gives us the resources we need to win games" is a lot different than "There are no financial constraints". "We have enough" doesn't negate "We could use more".

Dubi Doo

Registered User
Aug 27, 2008
"I don't know why we had that much arrogance coming out of our locker room" right before that..

Really like what Adams is saying this presser
Damn. Mic. Drop. Adams could fit in well on the forum if he's saying things like that. Im glad he's calling the players out. He gave them too much credit going into the season. That's on him, but the players are absolutely at fault, too.
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Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
I thought it was purposefully worded. Something along the lines of "We have everything we need to win", which I think is different.

"Terry gives us the resources we need to win games" is a lot different than "There are no financial constraints". "We have enough" doesn't negate "We could use more".
He also worded it along the lines of “if I ask for it, he will give it to me”

Which kind of lines up with what I’ve thought. He knows when/what to ask for money on. Retention/cap dumps isn’t one of them.


cybersabre his prophet
Oct 20, 2009
The never ending need on here to always make it about the owner is exhausting.

As if Adams can’t feel this way on his own. I guess lied for most of the press conference.
I mean, that’s the job structure. I’m not suggesting there’s anything unique about these two that isn’t replicated throughout the major leagues

Owner sets expectations and staff adjust


Registered User
Jan 13, 2010
Not that I want to dive too deep into this. But when it comes to running the Buffalo Sabres, how much of this team is structured based on Terry Pegula? Beane also has daily calls with Pegula. How much of the Bills are structured around Peg's decisions? Do we really think Terry is making decisions that adams HAS to follow through on?

I dont believe that one bit. I think Pegula throws his opinion out there, and Adams/Beane/company take it into their evaluation. Like plenty of owner/GM relationships do

There are very few organizations anywhere where the owner/president throws his opinion out there, and it doesn't carry massive weight on the underlings running the company. That's not reality. A guy like Brian Burke has had trouble fending off ownership (read his book), and a young management type like Kevyn Adams knows he has to tow certain lines. I like Adams. He's smart and has made lots of good moves. But he has clearly faced some restrictions on spending unless he is voluntarily handicapping himself. I don't believe Pegula says take this guy in the first round (if he does, we are doomed), but he gives him clear parameters that influence the team.


Registered User
May 14, 2013
I haven't sat and listened to pressers in a while but that seemed like a real good one.

Feels like Adams already has a coach lined up


Registered User
Jun 28, 2010
Mighty Taco, NY
Re: Talking to the owner every day

I dunno why this is seen as some crazy thing, nor does it have to mean that Pegula is trying to run the show. I'm sure the vast majority of those conversations are just "hey hows it going". The rest are probably just random questions and picking Adams brain on stuff. A sliver of it might be Pegula giving his opinions on the hockey end of it. I talk to my bosses every day basically, and it's never them telling me the best way to do my job.
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Registered User
Jan 5, 2008
Pegula gets shit on for talking to Kevyn everyday.

Pegula gets shit on for not caring about the Sabres.

Pick one.
I just have never gotten the Terry doesnt care about the Sabres thing. He is constantly at rookie camps, training camps, etc.

He's not here in the dead of winter watching games and neither would I if I was a billionaire old man. I'd be in Florida.




Registered User
Jun 28, 2011
I just have never gotten the Terry doesnt care about the Sabres thing. He is constantly at rookie camps, training camps, etc.

He's not here in the dead of winter watching games and neither would I if I was a billionaire old man. I'd be in Florida.
Plus as Kevyn stated... he is dealing with personal matters... ie Kim's health


cybersabre his prophet
Oct 20, 2009
I just have never gotten the Terry doesnt care about the Sabres thing. He is constantly at rookie camps, training camps, etc.

He's not here in the dead of winter watching games and neither would I if I was a billionaire old man. I'd be in Florida.


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