47.7 Disciplinary Penalties.
(a) Positive tests for performance enhancing substances on the Prohibited Substances List will result in mandatory discipline as follows:
(i) for the first positive test, a suspension of twenty (20) NHL Games without pay, and mandatory referral to the SABH Program for evaluation and possible treatment;
(b) A Player suspended because of a positive test under (i) or (ii) above will lose all Paragraph 1 NHL Salary and Bonuses, but not including Performance Bonuses, from the effective date of suspension until ten (10) days prior to the conclusion of the suspension, inclusive of all intervening days. During such period, he will be prohibited from participating in all Club activities. During the final ten (10) days of the suspension, the Player (i) shall be paid sixty (60) percent of his Paragraph 1 NHL Salary and Bonuses, and (ii) shall participate in Club activities (including meetings and practices), but not games.