1) You made it sound like someone would prefer the garbage before him. No one said that.
Not really, I was just pointing out how bad it was and still could be, which some people seem to ignore.
2) I don't know why you shouldn't be surprised after his two Herculean efforts. He had 2 days off to rest, if anything those efforts should have made him extra confident.
I don't know why you would be surprised, it's called a "let down game" something that happens with professional athletes from time to time, he had put so much focus and energy into those elimination games that he was bound to come back down to earth for at least one game. Which is all I imagine it will be.
3) Would you prefer I be one of those people that bashes someone and doesn't give him credit when he plays well? Yes, I said I was just angry and overreacted when I said the **** that Kershaw quoted in that thread and I was. Calling him a choker is probably too harsh. He is however an inferior goalie in the playoffs. I'm also starting to think that it's not because of the improvement of the opponents anymore. If it's because of the opponents, why does he have some of his best career games in the playoffs? And not fooling anyone with what? Humor me. I think he's the best goalie in the league, even one of the best goalies in the playoffs. I however, give him disproportional criticism to what I give the inferior players on this team when he plays worse than his capabilities. That's because he's better than he's shown in half the games so far.
Please you backtracked faster than a politician on those comments because people were calling you out on it. It's nothing new, you've been exceedingly harsh on players mid game in the past because of your emotions. Not a big deal, call it what you want the fact is you seem to be more comfortable on the Rangers board bashing him.
Why does he play some of his biggest games in the playoffs? Probably because he performs well in big situations, game one of a series isn't exactly a pressure cooker, I'd rather he allow a bad goal in that game than in an elimination game.
It also has quite a bit to do with the team in front of him, neither goalie played especially well last night and Hank seemed to be fighting the puck most of the time. The Rangers could have easily won that game, Boston applied more pressure and played better in the overtime so they won, they deserved it. Hank is the least of my worries. Name me one goalie that hasn't allowed 1-2 bad goals in a series, heck even multiple times in a series. They all have goals they'd want back, the difference in some cases is that the team in front of that goalie still managed to win the game, making the mistakes matter less.