Gold Fever
There is some rumours here Finland with Kekäläinen that he is not gonna draft Finnish player. So there might be even change that Puljujärvi ends up to be free for Edmonton. We will see.
When you hear stuff like this, it reinforces my belief that even if the Oilers are leaning towards trading the pick (and IMO they aren't, not saying they won't listen but I don't think they're going to trade it no matter what), it behooves them to wait until they're on the draft day floor to see if Columbus does something really stupid and pass on Puljujarvi.
Because if he's there at #4, if I'm Chia that turns into a *much* better trade chip if that happens. And if there's no trade oh well...I don't just run to that podium to call his name, I SCAMPER up there like a fat kid hearing the ice cream man ringing his bell.