I didn't say that you said in your post that recent teams didn't have a 10m dollar player. I pointed out that that argument you were referencing ended up being wrong. Though for the record, bringing up a claim, saying that it was proven a couple years ago, and not mentioning that it was disproven over the past 2 years is pretty misleading.
People tried to set criteria for what could not exist on a cup winning team, and then those exact things won multiple cups. And then that hard line rule turns into excuses, and now here you are again trying to arbitrarily claim the criteria of a cup winning team.
Teams of all different configurations can and do win. It's not going to come down to us paying better players an extra percent or two more than worse players. Our cup chances are much more damaged by losing a Matthews or a Marner than they are by having two 13m players. And just as the cap rose to make 10m more common, the cap will rise to make 13m more common.
And for the record, the "seeing the future" comment was in response to you making this claim: "Then 4 years from now leafs will be one of 2 teams with 14+ million and then rebuild starts."