Back when Dale Arnold used to post here, he mentioned he’d seen a preview of the 2007-08 uniforms and that the blacks were inspired by the 1970s darks and the whites by the FleetCenter lights.80's to 1995 all the way! Enough of the shoulder yokes. So many teams have them. It clutters the jersey. The solid white and solid black jersey's are such a cleaner look (with the Gold rim and Black rim spoked B). And yes, bring back the gold socks and give the Penguins back their socks. I really do wonder who's running the S-Show on Causeway when it comes to the Bruins uniforms.
I still can't believe they stuck with those Fleet Center hideous jersey's for as long as they did. This was a period in Bruins hockey where I never have an interest in revisiting.
The current road whites are another cluster of Bruins nothing-ness. Black shoulder Yoke (nasty) and the arm and waist striping which represents nothing in Bruins history. They couldn't even get that right!
You can sort of see the inspiration for the shoulders and hem stripes on the current set here.