Never argued in support of either EM or PD….. I saw the challenges to operating a NHL in a small Canadian Market,mand understood why some of the hard choice were made…. Called balls and strikes.
when haters were screaming for EM to sell the team, as if anything they could do would change his mind? I would point out his public statements that he would not sell the franchise, and was going to keep it in family (pass on) whenever he passed away…and that is exactly what happened…. That was NOT protecting EM, it was pointing out his public statements…. But go ahead an spin whatever way you want, I don’t expect you to be able to wrap your head around it.
To say that Martin is instilling the correct game plan is ridiculous ….. he is doing the exact same thing DJS was doing, and that was, and still is, not holding the players accountable…… the team, under Martin is failing and is worse shape than when under DJS… if anyone ever thought that was even remotely possible!
So go ahead and defend J Martins’ .307 P%, all you want…. He need to start showing results on the score board, and hold players accountable that need to be….. if he does not, I suspect you and other Martin apologists will find something to say things are getting better……. beating an AHL team with seconds to go in the game is not something to point to as progress.